L-1 Visa petition for Indian

L-1 Visa Client from India Approved in Just 9 Days

In a matter of just nine days, the US authorities approved an L-1 Visa petition for one of our clients. Whilst the client had a strong case, the careful preparation of the application by the D&A team meant there were no Requests for Evidence that are common for L-1 visas.

Requests for Evidence from Visa Applicants

Our client is a Chief Technology Officer of an Indian cargo security and IoT (internet of things) solution development company. We prepared and filed his  Visa L1 USA application. The L-1 Visa permits the transfer of managers, executives, and specialized knowledge employees to the US office of the same company.

The petitioning US company opted for premium processing which requires an additional payment of $2,500 to USCIS. While premium processing is expected to expedite the process, the US Citizenship & Immigration Services has been issuing Requests for Evidence (RFE) on most L-1 Visa petitions.

Depending on how massive the RFE is, the process could still be delayed for an additional period of 30-60 days even with premium processing.  D&A’s strategy has been to anticipate each and every single document that USCIS could potentially request for and prepare the strongest petition possible. With this approach, we minimize the possibility of getting RFEs or eliminate that possibility altogether.

L-1 Visa for Innovation and Tech Companies

The Indian parent company, where the L-1 Visa beneficiary is currently employed, has developed and patented an electro-mechanical locking system which consists of security lock and can be installed inside container vehicles. The subsidiary company in the US was set up to aggressively establish, develop and grow its business in the United States. The L-1 Visa beneficiary will serve as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the US company. In the said capacity, he will play a vital and leadership role in the accomplishment of the parent company’s expansion strategy.

The L-1 Visa beneficiary’s comprehensive knowledge of the solutions developed by the Indian parent will enable him to fully direct the US company’s efforts to enhance product insertion among companies throughout the United States. He will be fully responsible for all crucial executive functions, such as the company’s strategic positioning, financial management and sales operations. He will lead the company in developing and implementing strategic plans to achieve overall business objectives. His executive responsibilities will further entail cultivating business relationships with important U.S. clients.

What is an L-1 Visa

The L-1 Visa permits the transfer of an employee to the US office of your company. The L-1A visa targets management-level employees and the L-1B is aimed at employees with “Specialized Knowledge”. As the C.T.O of the firm, this particular L-1 Visa from India client was eligible for the L-1A visa, which is renewable upto a maximum of seven years. The L-1B is renewable upto a maximum of five years.

This client obtained what is known as a “New Office L-1 Visa”. This is where a new US office is established as part of the L-1 Visa process. The majority of L-1 visas are issued to employees of firms who already have established US entities. Yet, applications for New Office L-1 Visas are a growing fast. By setting up a new US entity, it is then possible to move a manager to the US to oversee the establishment and growth of that firm. New Office L-1 Visas are initially granted for upto one year so the USCIS can review progress, but ultimately have the same maximum validity period as any other L-1A or L-1B visa.


D&A has once again successfully prepared an L-1A petition for an executive of a foreign affiliate company. The L-1A petition was approved in 10 days without a Request for Evidence. The affiliate company in Greece is a software company which provides fully integrated, end-to-end business solutions, tailored to each customer’s needs and requirements. It specializes in building High Performance Software based on client driven specifications, aiming to act as business enablers rather than as simple IT product developers. The US Company was established to sell the foreign affiliate company’s set of fully integrated, end-to-end software and systems solutions services that will be tailored to each client’s needs and preferences and thus allow clients to achieve better financial returns, new sources of revenue, and reduced costs. The Company will work with clients to both activate data and optimize teams to analytically power their organizations. 

The L-1A beneficiary is a seasoned professional recognized in the corporate scenario as an innovator and leader in the software and systems solutions product and services industry in Greece. He has built a top-ranked software and systems solutions company with innovative software products to clients in a variety of industries, such as media, automotive, financial, governmental, real estate, shipping, healthcare, and education. 

Contact us to discuss the L-1 Visa or any other global immigration and business goal.

CONNECT WITH VERDIE ATIENZA Verdie heads up our firm’s L-1 & E2 Visa Practices

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

L-1 Visa approvals on Visa Ban during Covid-19

L-1 Visa Approvals as Trump’s Covid-Related Ban on the Visa Expires

As President Trump’s temporary ban on the L-1 Visa lifts, our firm is seeing a rise in L-1 visa approvals.

By advocating for our clients, they have been able to overcome the challenges and difficulties created by governmental policies and the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the stories of two of our clients who secured their respective L-1A visas, as well as L-2 visas for their dependents.

The L-1 Visa Employee Transfer Visa route to the US was shut down by President Trump as part of measures to fight Coronavirus introduced in June 2020. The L-1 visa is used to transfer employees between the overseas office and the US office of the same multinational company. However, our firm also specializes in “New Office” L-1 Visas, which allow overseas business owners and managers to move to the US to establish and grow a new US office of their existing business.

Reopening of the L-1 Visa Route to the United States

The ban on the L-1 Visa (together with the H-1B visa) elapsed naturally on March 31, 2021 and President Biden chose not to renew it. While some L-1 visa issuances were permitted during Covid, the end of the ban means the L-1 Visa category has reopened without restriction. That said, Covid-related challenges still persist: Applicants continue to face COVID-related travel bans/restrictions as well as reduced Embassy operations.

Here are the stories of two of our clients.

L-1 Intracompany Transfer Visa Approval: Travel & Tourism Sector

One of the clients is a full-time as Managing Manager of a travel and tourism company. The company is engaged in in the online B2B hotel booking market, which offers over 300,000 hotels and 50,000 apartments globally, with facilities to book transfers and sightseeing tours. With their innovative software products, with over 25,000 registered agents in 35 countries, they have decided to expand the concept to the US market.  With the L-1A visa in hand, he can now enter the US to manage the US company and take advantage of the opportunity in the travel and tourism sector as the world slowly reopens.

L-1 Intracompany Transfer Visa Approval: Fashion & Wholesale Sectors

The other client is a Market Research Manager of a wholesaler and exporter of singular jewelry and stylish evening bags of the finest quality as well as beautifully hand-constructed pillows, cushions and table mats. The foreign company has enjoyed success in terms of both revenue and opportunity. Given the international nature of the market in which the foreign company conducts its business, together with its growing roster of U.S. based clients, they have decided to establish presence in the US through an affiliate company and transfer the client to the US as Business Development Manager.

The range of handcrafted home furnishings, handbags, jewelry, scarfs and other merchandise are truly uniquely designed, differentiating themselves from others engaged in the accessories’ marketplace. These timeless pieces are created by artisans with a history of crafting products not ordinarily found online or being mass-produced. The L-1A beneficiary will incorporate management of essentially all substantive areas, functions and processes to be followed by the U.S. affiliated company. She will also serve as the ultimate director and manager of all U.S. employees.

What is the L-1 Intracompany Transfer Visa?

The L-1A visa allows international managers and executives to move to work in the US office of the same company for up to a maximum of seven years. If there is not yet a US office, our firm can help set one up and ensure it is L-1 compliant. The L-1B visa allows an employee with specialized knowledge to move to the US office for a maximum of five years. The initial visa validity will not be granted for the full five or seven years. The initial validity for a New Office L-1 is up to one year, and for all other L-1s depends upon your country of origin. After this it is possible to renew in installments up to 7 years, or switch to another visa which offers permanent residency (Green Card) – see EB1(c) visas. Spouses and children under the age of 21 can move to the US with you and spouses can apply for work authorization.

Watch Another one of our L-1 Clients Explain how we Helped him Obtain an L-1 Visa During Covid.


This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

Vietnam clients of Davies & Associates

Thị thực EB-2 – Thường trú nhân thông qua Miễn trừ Lợi ích Quốc gia (NIW).

Davies & Associates đã nhận được sự chấp thuận của Chương trình Miễn trừ Lợi ích/Quyền lợi Quốc gia EB2 (NIW) cho một Nhà Tâm lý học Tổ chức/Công nghiệp từ Nam Phi. Ban đầu, khách hàng có một số lựa chọn thị thực khác, nhưng các luật sư nhập cư của chúng tôi đã đề xuất NIW là con đường tốt hơn và chi phí hơn.
Khách hàng của chúng tôi là một nhà Tâm lý Tổ chức/Công nghiệp có nhiều kinh nghiệm và vốn có tài năng với bằng cấp cao về Tâm lý học Tổ chức và Công nghiệp và có nhiều kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực của cô ấy.
By Verdie Atienza
Tâm lý học Công nghiệp & Tổ chức (I / O)
Tâm lý học công nghiệp và tổ chức (“Tâm lý học I / O”), còn được gọi là tâm lý học nghề nghiệp, là một thực hành ứng dụng trong lĩnh vực tâm lý học đa ngành và bí truyền. Nó là khoa học về hành vi của con người liên quan đến công việc và áp dụng các lý thuyết và nguyên tắc tâm lý cho các tổ chức và cá nhân tại nơi làm việc cũng như cuộc sống làm việc của cá nhân một cách tổng quát hơn. Các nhà tâm lý học I / O được đào tạo theo mô hình khoa học-thực hành. Họ đóng góp vào thành công của tổ chức bằng cách cải thiện hiệu suất, động lực, sự hài lòng trong công việc, an toàn và sức khỏe nghề nghiệp cũng như sức khỏe tổng thể cũng như chỉ số hạnh phúc của nhân viên.
Một nhà tâm lý học I / O thực hiện nghiên cứu về hành vi và thái độ của nhân viên cũng như cách họ có thể được cải thiện thông qua các phương pháp tuyển dụng, chương trình đào tạo, phản hồi và hệ thống quản lý.

Làm thế nào chúng tôi có được NIW?
D&A đã trình bày thành công nhóm công việc xuất sắc của khách hàng trong lĩnh vực này và chứng minh cách cô ấy đáp ứng các tiêu chí nghiêm ngặt cho phân loại NIW. Mặc dù các công việc đủ điều kiện để được Miễn trừ lợi ích quốc gia không được quy định theo luật, nhưng việc miễn trừ lợi ích quốc gia thường được cấp cho những người có khả năng đặc biệt và làm việc ở Hoa Kỳ sẽ mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho quốc gia.
Những người tìm kiếm miễn trừ cho quyền lợi quốc gia có thể tự nộp đơn (họ không cần chủ lao động bảo lãnh) và có thể nộp trực tiếp giấy chứng nhận lao động của họ với USCIS cùng với Mẫu đơn I-140, Đơn xin việc làm cho người nước ngoài.

Miễn trừ Lợi ích Quốc gia (NIW) là gì?
NIW (National Interest Waiver) là danh mục phụ thứ ba của loại thị thực dựa trên việc làm ưu tiên thứ hai (thị thực EB2). Thị thực dựa trên việc làm – bất kỳ thứ gì có tiền tố “EB” – là thị thực nhập cư cung cấp thường trú nhân / Thẻ xanh cho người nộp đơn.
Trong danh mục NIW, người nộp đơn có thể yêu cầu miễn chứng nhận lao động vì làm như vậy là vì lợi ích quốc gia của Hoa Kỳ (các danh mục EB-2 khác yêu cầu chứng nhận lao động). Những người làm việc trong bất kỳ ngành nào đều có thể nộp đơn xin NIW, nhưng người nộp đơn phải chứng minh được vai trò của họ là vì lợi ích quốc gia. Điều này làm cho nó đặc biệt phổ biến đối với những người trong ngành khoa học và chăm sóc sức khỏe.
Các danh mục phụ Visa EB2 khác
Hai danh mục phụ khác cho EB-2 là “Bằng cấp cao” – bất kỳ ai có bằng cấp cao cộng với ít nhất năm năm kinh nghiệm làm việc đáng tin cậy – và “Khả năng đặc biệt”. Điều này dành cho những người có khả năng đặc biệt trong nghệ thuật, khoa học hoặc kinh doanh. Về mặt này, nó tương tự như loại EB-1A dành cho những người có năng lực phi thường và loại EB-1C dành cho các nhà quản lý và điều hành quốc tế. Không giống như danh mục phụ NIW, hai danh mục phụ này yêu cầu chứng nhận lao động.
Ban đầu, khách hàng đã tiếp cận Davies & Associates với một lựa chọn loại thị thực khác và nhóm của chúng tôi đã đề xuất lộ trình EB-2 thay thế. Điều này nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của việc tham vấn với luật sư nhập cư sớm trong quá trình này. Nhóm của chúng tôi hỗ trợ các tư vấn miễn phí ban đầu cho các khách hàng tiềm năng như một phần của quá trình đánh giá hồ sơ của khách hàng.
Contact us for your application review
Bài viết này được xuất bản cho khách hàng, bạn bè và những người quan tâm khác chỉ nhằm mục đích cung cấp thông tin. Nội dung của bài viết không phải là lời khuyên pháp lý và không nhất thiết phản ánh ý kiến của Davies & Associates hoặc bất kỳ luật sư, nhân viên hoặc khách hàng nào của Davies & Associates. Các liên kết bên ngoài không phải là sự chứng thực của nội dung.

E-2 Visa approved for a Singaporean national during COVID-19

E-2 Visa: Change of Status approved for a Singaporean national amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

By Verdie Atienza

The client entered the US on a visitor’s visa and recognized the opportunity to set up a full-service business coaching and management consulting company with the goal of improving client’s profitability and increasing operational efficiency. He is the head of a private equity and capital markets firm in Singapore responsible for raising millions in sees capital from various investors and overseeing all aspects of business strategy, corporate governance and product development for global startups. 

The client decided to apply to change status to E-2 Treaty Investor Visa for the following reasons:

  1. He wanted to capitalize on the opportunity in the US;
  2. He was concerned about not being able to come back to the US as soon as he would like if he applies for the E-2 visa at the Embassy because of COVID-19;
  3. He wanted to immediately be able to develop and direct the US company.

With the assistance of D&A, the client was able to timely file an application to change status to E-2. As expected, he received a request for evidence. The challenges to his E-2 change of status application were as follows:

  1. He was required to provide for additional evidence to prove business viability since his company is a start-up;
  2. He was asked to prove his capacity to develop and direct the enterprise considering that the company is a service-oriented one. USCIS has been known to issue RFEs for service-oriented businesses with the treaty investor applicant  as one of the primary service providers.
  3. He was required to prove his non-immigrant intent.

D&A successfully overcame the RFE and obtained an approval for the client. Our team worked closely with our business plan team to prepare a strong response to prove the business viability of the E-2 company even if it is a start-up. COVID-19 made things more challenging because the lockdown and restrictions to gather in big groups will force the company to resort to online or virtual trainings.

We also had to prove to USCIS that our client has the ability to develop and direct the company. Since the company is a service-oriented business, demonstrating that the client will be performing work that is “solely” focused on developing and directing the E-2 company may be difficult, however, we were able to prove that the activities of the E-2 investor applicant are primarily focused on business management and development. We successfully demonstrated that the client’s performance of consulting activities are incidental to their job developing and directing the business. 

With the approval of the change of status application, the Company will now be able to organize corporate trainings that will lead to the professional development and improvement of the employees. The Company will provide strategic consulting services to businesses, enabling them to achieve sustained, profitable growth. This service segment includes strategic advice in the areas of general growth strategy, leadership development, performance improvement, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate portfolio design. In the area of leadership development, the Company’s team views employee engagement as a potential source of competitive advantage. The services of the Company become particularly relevant as the most US companies have to rise above the economic slowdown as a result of the pandemic.

The E-2 Treaty Investor Visa offers the opportunity to invest in and own a business in America. Applicants must come from an E-2 Treaty country. Click here to find out if your country holds an E-2 Treaty with the United States. If your country does not have an E-2 Treaty with the United States, it is possible to quickly obtain citizenship by investment of an E-2 Treaty country which would make you eligible. Grenada Citizenship by Investment and Turkish Citizenship by Investment are the quickest routes to E-2 Visa eligibility.

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

Eb-5 Visa Investment Level Increase

Biden Administration Confirms Trump-Era Changes to EB-5 Investor Visa

The Biden Administration has moved to quash a lawsuit brought about by an EB-5 Regional Center that questioned the validity of changes to the EB-5 Investor Visa Program introduced in November 2019. By ratifying the changes, the Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas puts an end to any speculation that the minimum investment level for the EB-5 Visa could be reduced back to $500,000 from the current $900,000.

Court Case

The principle line of argument in the court case was that the head of the Department for Homeland Security at the time had not been properly appointed. The then Acting Secretary, Kevin McAleenan, assumed leadership for the Department following the departure of Kirstjen Nielsen earlier in 2019.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a decision on this issue last summer stating that McAleenan was not in the line of succession and that his leadership was therefore invalid. Mayorkas acted to re-ratify the changes to ward off any uncertainty – going forwards at least.

Old EB-5 Regulations

If it had been successful, the case could have forced a return to the pre-November 2019 regulations. This not only included the lower investment amount, but also different rules surrounding what governs a Targeted Employment Area (TEA). These are zones that qualify for a lower EB-5 investment level because they have weaker employment levels. Outside of TEAs, the minimum EB-5 investment level is $1.8 million (or $1 million prior to November 2019).

The increased investment amount since November 2019 has pushed the EB-5 Investor Visa out of reach of many potential investors . Many of these clients have shifted their interest in the US to the E-2 Treaty Investor Visa, which has lower investment amounts. There is no fixed investment level for an E-2 Visa, but it must be appropriate for the business being invested in and generally starts from around $100,000.

Upcoming EB-5 Reauthorization

A reversal to the EB-5 rule change would have been short-lived in any case. The EB-5 Regional Center Program is facing reauthorization in Congress before the end of this quarter (June 30). We are confident that Congress will support a long term reauthorization of a reformed program since EB-5 is responsible for creating so much employment and investment all across America.

An EB-5 reform bill introduced jointly by Senior Democrat, Patrick Leahy, and a senior Republican, Chuck Grassley aims to reauthorize the program through to 2026 and make reforms to ensure high standards are met by EB-5 Regional Centers.

Despite some uncertainty over the next few months, the future of the EB-5 program looks strong. It played a valuable role in helping America recover from the 2007/8 financial crisis and can support the economic recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic. EB-5 has brought in millions of dollars in foreign investment and has created hundreds of thousands of jobs all around the country. All at no cost to the US taxpayer.

What is the EB-5 Investor Visa?

The EB-5 remains a fast route to a Green Card (except for people born in mainland China who face delays because of strong historic demand). A single investment can cover a qualifying family unit (applicant, spouse, children under the age of 21). It is important to work with an immigration attorney from the outset of the process. One of the most complicated aspects of an EB-5 application is proving that your investment funds came from legitimate sources.

At Davies & Associates we support each EB-5 client with a strong and talented team, which includes not only immigration attorneys, but also tax lawyers, and accountants who can advise on remittance laws in your home country. Green Card holders are subject to tax on worldwide earnings, so it is important to understand and plan for this at the outset of the process.

Read more about EB-5 Investor Visas

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

Israelis looks to US E2 Visa as Vaccination Program Reopens Both Countries

Israelis looks to US E2 Visa as Vaccination Program Reopens Both Countries

Israel signed an E2 Treaty with the United States in 2019, but the Coronavirus pandemic caused a false start. As the world reopens, 2021 and 2022 look set to be bumper years for Israeli E2 visas.

Israel became the newest E2 Treaty Investor Visa Country in the world when it signed a treaty with the United States that came into force in May 2019. The E2 Visa allows anyone from a treaty country to move to the United States for the purpose of investing in and running a business.

Around 500 E visas were issued to Israeli nationals in 2019*, a figure that was expected to jump significantly in 2020. Then the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Borders were shut and the US embassy in Israel closed to all but essential operations. Visa processing ground to a halt and the number of E visa issuances in Israel dropped to just 260 last year.

The outlook for 2021 is mixed. While consular services have resumed at the embassy, they are still limited by social distancing and the need to protect both staff and applicants. Israel’s world-leading vaccination campaign mean things are likely to improve quickly in the second half of the year and into 2022. Given the current demand we are seeing from Israel, 2022 could be a bumper year for E2 visas in the country.

Benefits of an E2 Visa?

The E2 visa allows a person to invest in and run a business in the United States. Investment requirements are relatively low – usually starting from around $100,000 but need to be enough to support the business plan. It is possible to start a new business, acquire and existing business, or buy into a franchise. It is important to engage attorneys like Davies & Associates that has corporate lawyers working in close proximity with immigration lawyers because the business needs to be correctly structured to comply with the immigration regulations.

Spouses and children under the age of 21 can accompany the primary applicant. Spouses can apply for work authorization in the United States. The visa is valid for up to 5 years but can be renewed again and again provided the underlying business continues to operate. That said, the very first time an Israeli citizen is issued an E2 visa, it will be valid for anything up to 2 years before requiring renewal – subsequent renewals will be at the 5 year intervals.

Becoming a citizen of Israel to access the E2 Visa

Eligibility for the E2 Visa is determined by your country of citizenship. People from countries like Russia and South Africa are not directly eligible. Anyone from a non-E2 Treaty country the could claim Israeli citizenship can then become eligible for the E2 visa by virtue of their new Israeli nationality. Read more about dual Russia Israel citizenship.

People who hold dual UK and Israeli nationality may prefer to opt to apply for the E2 Visa under their Israeli passport. The UK is the only E2 country whose citizens are required to reside in their home country. Israeli-UK dual citizens can still apply at the embassy in London under their Israeli passport.

Alternative US Visas for Israelis

Israel and America have a long history of close political and economic ties. America is by far Israel’s leading export market with around one third of all exports going to America. This may mean the E1 Treaty Trader Visa is more suited to some Israelis. Israel has been eligible for the Treaty Trader Visa for much longer than the E2 Visa. In fact, Israel has been an E1 country since the 1950s. This visa allows for more easy access to the US for employees and owners of Israeli firms that conduct substantial trade with America.

Other alternatives to the E2 Visa for Israeli business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals include the EB5 Investor Visa and the L1 Transfer Visa. Only one Israeli was issued an EB5 investor visa in 2019 out of a total allocation of just over 700. The EB5 visa is a residency by investment program that offers a Green Card for $900,000. All qualifying family members can all obtain Green Cards for a single investment.

The L-1 Visa allows for the intra company transfer of a manager, executive or specialized knowledge employee, from the Israeli office to the US office of the same company. It is possible to use this visa category to send a manager to oversee the establishment and growth of a new US operation of your existing Israeli business. 2,000 L-1 Visas were issued to Israelis in 2019.

* Figures include E1 Treaty Trader Visas as well as E2 Treaty Investor Visas.

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

Hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp Việt di cư Mỹ qua EB-5, E-2, L-1 Visa

Công ty của chúng tôi đã giúp hàng trăm chủ doanh nghiệp và gia đình chuyển đến Hoa Kỳ bằng thị thực EB-5, E-2 và L-1. Vậy loại thị thực nào là tốt nhất và hoàn toàn phụ thuộc vào tìnhh hình cá nhân của bạn. Chúng tôi thường dành lời khuyên cho khách hàng mới nên có một cuộc tư vấn miễn phí với nhóm luật sư của chúng tôi để thảo luận về các lựa chọn khác nhau dựa trên mục tiêu cá nhân, ngân sách và mong muốn của khách hàng.
Thị thực L-1 và thị thực E-2 đều là thị thực không định cư. Những thị thực này không cung cấp quyền thường trú nhân, nhưng thị thực E-2 được xem là lợi thế hơn vì bạn có thể gia hạn vô số lần. Gia hạn không giới hạn có nghĩa là về mặt kỹ thuật, bạn có thể sống ở Hoa Kỳ mãi mãi, miễn là doanh nghiệp cơ bản vẫn hoạt động.

Thị thực L-1 có thể gia hạn tối đa là bảy năm đối với thị thực L-1A và năm năm đối với thị thực L-1B. Sau thời gian này, bạn cần phải rời khỏi Hoa Kỳ hoặc chuyển đổi sang một loại thị thực khác hoặc xin Thẻ xanh. Lời khuyên tốt nhất là thảo luận về các lựa chọn nhập cư của bạn với luật sư chuyên ngành.
Phù hợp với thị thực L-1 là thị thực EB-1 (C) hoặc thị thực EB-3. Tất nhiên, bạn cũng có thể tìm hiểu các lựa chọn để chuyển đổi sang Thẻ xanh từ thị thực E-2 nếu bạn muốn sinh sống và làm việc ở Hoa Kỳ lâu dài hơn và không bị ràng buộc với hoạt động kinh doanh E-2.

Khoảng thời gian được cấp trên thị thực L-1 và E-2 ban đầu của bạn sẽ khác nhau tùy thuộc vào nơi bạn đến. Mỗi quốc gia có khái niệm gọi là lịch trình đi lại quy định thời hạn hiệu lực thị thực tối đa. Lưu ý rằng thị thực của bạn có thể không được cấp trong thời gian đầy đủ được liệt kê theo quốc gia cụ thể của bạn. Các nhà chức trách có thể mong muốn bạn quay lại sớm hơn để kiểm tra tình trạng kinh doanh của mình. Ví dụ: “Thị thực L-1 Văn phòng Mới” được cấp ban đầu chỉ một năm, vì vậy bạn có thể bị kiểm tra tiến độ thực hiện của mình.
Mỗi thị thực thường đi kèm với một yêu cầu đầu tư liên quan khác nhau. Thị thực đầu tư định cư EB-5 – cung cấp Thẻ xanh khi đầu tư. Yêu cầu đầu tư là 900.000 USD đối với các khoản đầu tư vào Khu vực việc làm ưu tiên mục tiêu (TEA) và 1,8 triệu USD bên ngoài các khu vực này. Trên thực tế, các Trung tâm vùng quản lý phần lớn các khoản đầu tư EB-5 đều hoạt động trong TEA và do đó, chỉ 900.000 USD được áp dụng như mức đầu tư tối thiểu. Nếu bạn muốn thực hiện EB-5 Trực tiếp, chúng tôi cần đảm bảo khoản đầu tư được đặt trong TEA để đủ điều kiện về số tiền đầu tư thấp hơn.

Bằng cách tiến hành thẩm định đối với Trung tâm vùng và các dự án của họ, nhà đầu tư EB-5 có thể giảm thiểu rủi ro không chỉ đối với Thẻ xanh mà còn đối với việc hoàn vốn của nhà đầu tư. Hầu hết các Trung tâm vùng đều đưa ra mức lãi suất rất thấp (hiểu theo nhiều cách, Thẻ xanh được xem là lợi tức của khoản đầu tư). Bằng cách đầu tư với một Trung tâm vùng có uy tín vào một dự án đáng tin cậy, nhà đầu tư có thể thu hồi vốn đầu tư của họ sau vài năm.

Không có yêu cầu đầu tư cố định đối với Visa E-2. Một nguyên tắc nhỏ là nó phải vượt quá 100.000 USD và phải phù hợp với doanh nghiệp bạn đang đề xuất thành lập hoặc mua lại. Chúng tôi đã thực hiện một số hồ sơ E-2 thành công với số tiền ít hơn 100.000 USD, vì vậy hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để được tư vấn miễn phí. Khoản đầu tư không chỉ cần bằng tiền mặt – nó còn có thể là hàng tồn kho, bằng sáng chế, thiết bị, v.v.

Thị thực L-1 không yêu cầu đầu tư nếu bạn chỉ đơn giản là chuyển từ chi nhánh ở nước ngoài sang chi nhánh hiện tại của một công ty đa quốc gia. Thị thực Văn phòng L-1 mới chắc chắn yêu cầu đầu tư cần thiết để thành lập và phát triển văn phòng mới của Hoa Kỳ. Điều này cần phải phù hợp với nhu cầu của doanh nghiệp.
Thị thực EB-5 cung cấp quyền tự do để làm việc (hoặc không làm việc) tại Hoa Kỳ. Một đơn đăng ký/đầu tư duy nhất có thể bao gồm không chỉ người nộp đơn mà cả vợ/chồng và con cái dưới 21 tuổi. Mỗi thành viên trong gia đình đều nhận được Thẻ xanh của riêng mình, nghĩa là họ được tự do làm việc tại Hoa Kỳ. Chúng tôi nhận thấy nhiều khách hàng EB-5 của chúng tôi được thôi thúc bởi việc con cái họ được học đại học tại Hoa Kỳ và triển vọng làm việc sau khi tốt nghiệp.

Người nộp đơn chính cho thị thực E-2 và L-1 được yêu cầu làm việc trong vai trò mà họ đã chuyển đến Hoa Kỳ để hoàn thành. Tuy nhiên, vợ hoặc chồng của những người có thị thực này có thể xin phép làm việc tại Hoa Kỳ. Điều này mang lại sự linh hoạt trong việc làm hơn rất nhiều so với thị thực H-1B phổ biến, như ví dụ, vì bạn không bị ràng buộc với một nhà tuyển dụng cụ thể. Là thường trú nhân, bạn chỉ bị đánh thuế đối với thu nhập tại Hoa Kỳ của bạn.

Có nhiều ưu và nhược điểm khác nhau đối với từng loại visa. Điều quan trọng là nên thảo luận về tình hình cá nhân của bạn với đội ngũ luật sư của chúng tôi để chúng tôi có thể phân tích tình huống và từ đó xác định loại thị thực tốt nhất và phù hợp nhất cho bạn và gia đình của bạn.

Eb-5 Visa Investment Level Increase

EB-5 Visa: Lawsuit Seeks to Overturn Investment-Level Increase

A lawsuit filed by an EB-5 Regional Center is taking aim at the November 2019 price hike for the EB-5 Investor Visa. If successful, the minimum investment amount for EB-5 would return to USD 500,000 in a Targeted Employment Area. A federal judge in California has indicated she may be willing to reverse the Trump-Era changes to the EB-5 program rules after a lawsuit filed by Behring Regional Center. 

If successful, any changes would likely be short-lived. The EB-5 Regional Center Program is set to expire at the end of June and a reform and reauthorization proposal has started working its way through Congress could set the USD 900,000 minimum investment level in stone.  It is our opinion that the new EB-5 law in June would be revised to increase the price back to itS current level.

This means that there may be an extremely short window of time, possibly as little as days, in which to file an EB-5 I-526 Petition at USD 500,000.   Properly preparing a case to be filed can take weeks or longer depending on where the funds are coming from and will require investors to fund an EB-5 project which is configured to accept investment at that investment level.  Any investor potentially interested in availing themselves of the USD 500,000 investment level should therefore have their case ready so it can be filed at a moment’s notice.  

The minimum investment requirement for the EB-5 Investor Visa to USD 900,000 in November 2019 to take account of inflation since the program’s inception in the 1990s. The $900,000 amount relates to investments in a Targeted Employment Area (TEA) – areas with relatively high unemployment. Outside of TEAs the minimum investment requirement rose from USD 1 million to UDS 1.8 million. The November-2019 rule change also centralised decision making around what constitutes a TEA, transferring authority for this to the Department for Homeland Security.

The rule changes had a significant impact on EB-5 uptake with a sharp drop-off after November 2019. This was partly due to so many people rushing to apply, exhausting pent up demand. Covid slowed the recovery, but green shoots have been emerging as the pandemic recedes. Long term reform and reauthorization in June will provide much-needed certainty and confidence to future investors. 

This federal court case could change calculations for some investors. If the price temporarily drops to USD 500,000 it could cause a massive rush to file EB-5 applications. The application process requires careful documentation of the source of funds used for the EB-5 investment. This can take time to prepare, so anyone considering an application or monitoring this court case for a drop in the investment level should contact us immediately. 

The court case comes at a time of brief uncertainty for the EB-5 Investor Visa Program. With reauthorization of the Regional Center Program required before the it expires in June, would-be investors need to weigh their options carefully. 

On the one hand, you could tie up your capital under uncertain conditions to pursue the EB-5 Regional Center in case it ends forever in June. Or on the other hand, you could wait until there is certainty in the second half of 2021, but know that the price of that certainty could mean the EB-5 route is closed to you forever. The risk is up to the client, but it is worth talking through your options with an immigration attorney. 

The likelihood is that the program will be renewed. The EB-5 Investor Visa brings in millions of dollars in investment and creates hundreds of thousands of jobs all across America at no cost to the taxpayer. It played a valuable role in America’s recovery from the 2008 financial crisis and could do something similar as the US economy recovers from Covid.

Anyone who has already applied for an EB-5 Visa but is waiting an adjudication may wish to file a writ of mandamus in federal court ahead of the June 2021 expiry date. Usually applicants should wait at least two years before resorting to legal action against the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS), but the June expiration may change this. Contact us to discuss your specific circumstances.

L-1 Visa Reopend for US

L-1 Visa Reopens as Trump Ban Expires

The L-1 USA visa route to the United States has reopened after President Trump’s temporary ban came to an end last night. President Biden chose not to renew the ban, which Trump had introduced as part of Covid restrictions last summer. 

L-1A Visa allows international managers and executives to move to the American office of their company for up to seven (7) years. The L-1B Visa allows an employee with specialized knowledge to relocate for up to five (5) years. Spouses of L-1 visa holders can apply for a work permit.  

Trump temporarily banned the L-1 Visa together with the H-1B visa on the grounds that he wished to protect American jobs amid the economic uncertainty of the Coronavirus pandemic. He extended the ban until March 31 shortly before leaving office. Biden opted to let the ban elapse naturally rather than explicitly rescind it.

Ongoing delays

Applicants still have to contend with a reduced number of consular appointments worldwide as well as travel bans affecting people from Europe, the UK, Ireland, and elsewhere. Davies & Associates has successfully made the case for L-1 (and E-2) Visa clients to be granted a National Interest Exception to be allowed to travel to the United States from countries subject to a travel ban. We even managed to secure some L-1 approvals despite the ban.

Many of our clients took the opportunity of the last few months to prepare their applications for when the L-1 route reopened. The release of this pent up demand, coupled with the reduction to consular operations, mean that new applicants could face a backlog and ongoing disruption until things are ironed out.

New Office L-1 Visas

The L-1 Visa is an intracompany transfer visa. It is regularly used by large multinationals to move staff from an overseas office to one of their US offices. It can also be used to support the growth of a new US operation. New-Office L-1 Visas allow entrepreneurs and business owners to send qualifying senior-level employees to the United States to set-up the new business.

Benefits of L-1 Visa

There are many benefits to the L-1 Visa, notably the fact that an accompanying spouse could apply for a US work permit. There are also no annual quotas based upon country of origin, which means there are no wait lists based upon supply and demand. The L-1 Visa is a temporary work visa, but applicants could subsequently decide to transition to a Green Card. The usual route from the L-1 visa to a Green Card is through the EB-1(c) visa. The EB-1(c) visa offers permanent residency for international managers and executives.

L-1 Visa for Indians

Indians are one of the largest recipient groups for the L-1 Visa with over 40,000 issued the year before the pandemic. Indians are not directly eligible for the E-2 Treaty Investor Visa, so L-1 visa for USA from India is viewed as a popular alternative for Indian business owners and entrepreneurs. However, a small but growing number of Indians are first obtaining Grenadian citizenship in the West Indies and then obtaining an E-2 Visa by virtue of their Grenadian citizenship.

Other countries with large number of applications are L-1 Visa from Mexico, L-1 Visa from Japan, L-1 Visa from the United Kingdom, L-1 Visa from China, and L-1 Visas from Brazil. All have around 10,000 L-1 Visa issuances per year.

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

Investor Visa Application Price Increase

Lawsuit Seeks to Reverse 2019 EB-5 Investor Visa Price Increase

A lawsuit filed by an EB-5 Regional Center is taking aim at the November 2019 price hike for the EB-5 Investor Visa. If successful, the minimum investment amount for EB-5 would almost halve back to $500,000 in a Targeted Employment Area. A federal judge in California has indicated she may be willing to reverse the Trump-Era changes to the EB-5 program rules after a lawsuit filed by Behring Regional Center.

If successful, any changes would likely be short-lived. The EB-5 Regional Center Program is set to expire at the end of June and a reform and reauthorization proposal has started working its way through Congress could set the $900,000 minimum investment level in stone.

The minimum investment requirement for the EB-5 Investor Visa to $900,000 in November 2019 to take account of inflation since the program’s inception in the 1990s. The $900,000 amount relates to investments in a Targeted Employment Area (TEA) – areas with relatively high unemployment. Outside of TEAs the minimum investment requirement rose from $1 million to $1.8 million. The November-2019 rule change also centralised decision making around what constitutes a TEA, transferring authority for this to the Department for Homeland Security.

The rule changes had a significant impact on EB-5 uptake with a sharp drop-off after November 2019. This was partly due to so many people rushing to apply, exhausting pent up demand. Covid slowed the recovery, but green shoots have been emerging as the pandemic recedes. Long term reform and reauthorization in June will provide much-needed certainty and confidence to future investors.

This federal court case could change calculations for some investors. If the price temporarily drops to $500,000 it could cause a massive rush to file EB-5 applications. The application process requires careful documentation of the source of funds used for the EB-5 investment. This can take time to prepare, so anyone considering an application or monitoring this court case for a drop in the investment level should contact us immediately.

The court case comes at a time of brief uncertainty for the EB-5 Investor Visa Program. With reauthorization of the Regional Center Program required before the it expires in June, would-be investors need to weigh their options carefully.

On the one hand, you could tie up your capital under uncertain conditions to pursue the EB-5 Regional Center in case it ends forever in June. Or on the other hand, you could wait until there is certainty in the second half of 2021, but know that the price of that certainty could mean the EB-5 route is closed to you forever. The risk is up to the client, but it is worth talking through your options with an immigration attorney.

The likelihood is that the program will be renewed. The EB-5 Investor Visa brings in millions of dollars in investment and creates hundreds of thousands of jobs all across America at no cost to the taxpayer. It played a valuable role in America’s recovery from the 2008 financial crisis and could do something similar as the US economy recovers from Covid.

Anyone who has already applied for an EB-5 Visa but is waiting an adjudication may wish to file a writ of mandamus in federal court ahead of the June 2021 expiry date. Usually applicants should wait at least two years before resorting to legal action against the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS), but the June expiration may change this. Contact us to discuss your specific circumstances.

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

Behring Regional Center