Technology Visas


Did you know that a US company can file a petition for the transfer an executive, manager or specialized knowledge employee of a qualifying foreign company even if the US company has not been in operations for more than a year? The company is eligible to file a NEW OFFICE L-1 PETITION and the beneficiary will initially be eligible for a period of stay of one year.

Click here for more information:

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This article has been written by Verdie J. Atienza, Esq., Senior Immigration Attorney, Head of E-2 and L-1 Visas Practice Team at Davies & Associates, New York Office.

Verdie J. Atienza is a Senior Attorney in charge of the firm’s L-1 and E-2 visa practice. He is a dual qualified lawyer in New York and in the Philippines and is qualified to practice immigration law in any state in the United States. 


Technology Visas

Who Actually Qualifies for the L-1 Intracompany Transfer Visa for Managers & Executives?

Immigration Attorney Zeenat Phophalia delves into which staff members are eligible for the L-1A Visa and what constitutes a personnel manager and a function manager.

The L-1 visa classification for intracompany transferees comes in two categories: L-1A (managers and executives) and L-1B (special knowledge workers).  The L-1A allows a foreign company to transfer managers and executives to its related U.S. parent, subsidiary, affiliate or branch office. 

An L-1A manager is generally someone who supervises and manages professional, managerial or supervisory employees, as evidenced by a clear chain of workers reporting up to such manager. 

In addition to this “personnel” manager role, the L-1A classification allows for what is known as a Function Manager – someone who manages an essential function within the organization. 

While the standard applicable to a personnel manager who manages employees is well established, there had been lack of guidance and clarity on what needed to be proven to qualify as a function manager. 

In 2017, the USCIS, provided guidance by adopting the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) decision in Matter of G- Inc., that sets forth a five-prong analysis to determine L-1A function manager qualification.

Matter of G- Inc. clarifies that, to establish that a beneficiary/employee will be employed in a managerial capacity as a “function manager,” the petitioner must demonstrate that:

  • (1) the function is a clearly defined activity;
  • (2) the function is “essential,” i.e., core to the organization;
  • (3) the beneficiary will primarily manage, as opposed to perform, the function;
  • (4) the beneficiary will act at a senior level within the organizational hierarchy or with respect to the function managed;
  • (5) the beneficiary will exercise discretion over the function’s day-to-day operations.

An essential function, as noted by the AAO, in the above decision, is a function that is “fundamental,”core” or “necessary” to the company’s business and one that the manager will manage versus performing. 

An organization could have more than one core activity “such as the manufacture or provision of an end product or service, and research and development into other products or services,” as was noted by the AAO.  

While assessing the essential function prong and the other criteria, USCIS will typically evaluate the entire record: overall organizational structure and hierarchy; description of the manager’s duties – products, services or component that he will manage; seniority within the organization; nature of administrative support if any; and so on. 

Often times, it can be harder for smaller organizations to establish that a function is a clearly defined activity and fundamental to the business.  That said, the best approach would be to explain the function with as much specificity as possible while emphasizing the core and essential nature of the activity/function vis-à-vis the organization and its impact on business, and justify how the employee will manage the function at a senior level within the organization.

The adopted decision in Matter of G- Inc establishes policy guidance that USCIS adjudicators are bound by and obligated to follow; it does not apply to the Department of State and so consular posts abroad are not bound by the decision, often times leading to conflicting and different interpretations of the scope of a function manager by consular officers.

To learn more about the L-1 Visa, please click here to contact us and request and appointment.

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

US Immigration Lawyer

Numerous Recent Visa Approvals for D&A Clients

The clients of our firm have been granted a number of different visa approvals over the past week, with the feeling that the Covid pandemic is increasingly behind us. Here are some examples:

E2 Visa for Singapore National Setting Up Advisory Firm in California

We are happy to share that we have secured an approval for another E2 Treaty Investor Visa applicant from Singapore. The applicant will operate as an advisory firm in California. The Company will raise money from qualified investors who will acquire limited partnership interests in a limited partnership fund, and then advise the fund to make minority equity investments in selected startups. The Company will receive advisory fees from the fund and a profit in the form of carried interest when the equity held by the fund in a startup is acquired by an acquirer, or when the startup goes for an initial public offering. 

The E2 company will be committed to partnering with frontier tech entrepreneurs as they start out, becoming their trusted advisor and providing them with the necessary advice to succeed. The Company’s investment philosophy will be to patiently identify and invest in highly-qualified entrepreneurs and accelerate growth through its network of executives in the IT Industry. It will coach frontier tech startups on initial customer selection and how to create compelling marketing pitches. The Company will facilitate meetings with lighthouse customers to help startups achieve success fast. Lighthouse customers are consumers who embrace a product soon after its launch. They will provide considerable and critical feedback to help startups develop and refine their products. Identifying and developing strong relationships with these customers is crucial for startups’ future success.

E2 Treaty Investor Visa for a Swiss National

The E2 Treaty Investor invested in a farm management company based in California. The company will provide custom harvesting and farm management services. The Company purchased selected farming equipment to provide local farmers with harvesting services that will maximize their output and profitability. Additionally, the company will hire agricultural advisory who will help farmers select crops for planting and organize their entire annual cycles to increase their operations’ cost-effectiveness. 

The company will provide its services to farmers from Fresno, Woodland, and Lodi, Californian cities known for their disproportionately high agricultural output and excellent products. The Company will focus on nut tree farmers, primarily those that cultivate almonds and pistachios. 

L1 Visa Extension for a Polish Shipping and Logistics Executive

We have helped a US company secure an extension of status for its current President on L-1A visa. Established on January 8, 1992, the US company was founded with the purpose of securing proper representation of a state-owned shiping company in Poland in North America and to conduct business in the lucrative North American market.  The US Company represents the Polish company’s  interests in all aspects and matters concerning North and Central America and the Caribbean markets; providing the closest and most effective link between Poland’s largest ship owner and all current and future business partners and customers.

As General Agent for the PZM Group in North American and Caribbean ports, the US company provides the following services:

  • Serving as financial center (treasury department/cash manager) for various financial transactions involving United States currency
  • Serving in a similar capacity for North American and Caribbean operational activities 
  • Serving as Chartering Broker for the Polish company’s vessels
  • Supervising execution of shipments performed by vessels within North and Central America
  • Arranging port operations through local Agents’ network, dealing with contractors and sub-contractors, including tugs, pilots, stevedores, terminal operations, holds/tanks cleaners, slop disposal services, ship chandlers, etc.
  • Arranging bunkers and spare parts supplies for vessels, including dealing with suppliers and bunker brokers
  • Controlling all costs and expenses regarding ship’s call to North American market
  • Arranging and coordinating crew changes
  • Arranging cargo, ship, draft, bunker, class, technical surveys and all necessary reports

H-1B for an Indian Developer

The US Company was set up in 2016 and it aims to empower enterprises to unleash the power of cloud on their terms by helping them rapidly achieve continuous and autonomous cloud governance at scale. The company enables enterprises to realize outcomes across FinOps, SecOps and CloudOps such as 40% decrease in cloud costs and 50% increase in operational efficiencies by governing operations, security, cost, access, and resources. CoreStack also assures 100%compliance with standards such as ISO, FedRAMP, NIST, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, AWS CIS & Well Architected Framework (WAF).

Enterprises face significant cloud challenges including unpredictable and unabated cloud costs, ever growing security risks, stringent regulatory compliance needs and operational complexities as they navigate the digital transformation journey. The company helps enterprises overcome these challenges by offering deeper cloud visibility, preventative governance

guardrails, and automatic remediation. With a unique Cloud-as-Code approach that uses deep AI/ML, declarative definitions, connector-less model, and a patented cloud service-chaining technology, CoreStack continually innovates to harness the real power of cloud. The company works with many large global customers across multiple industries including Financial Services, Healthcare, Retail, Education, Telecommunications, Technology and Government.

The H-1B beneficiary will assume the position of a Developer who will perform highly specialized duties in the occupation of application development and analysis with a focus on software application design and development and engineering support.

By Verdie Atienza, Head of E2 & L1 Visa Practice Group

US Immigration Lawyer

3 New L1 Visa Approvals Celebration

Our firm is celebrating the approval of three L1 visas this past week. The clients are from as far and wide as India and Canada, and the business sectors range from IT to construction. Read more below.

The L1 Visa permits the intracompany transfer of qualifying employees from the overseas branch to the US branch of a related company. You can either move staff to an existing office in the US or establish a new one (a New Office L1). Managers and executives may be eligible for an L1 visa that is renewable up to a maximum of seven years, while specialized knowledge employees may apply for an L1B visa, which is renewable up to five years. L1 visa holders are permitted to seek permanent residency (Green Cards), for example under the EB1C Visa route for international managers and executives.

Read more about L1 Visa

  1. L1A for a manager of construction and landscaping materials company in Canada

The Canadian Company, engaged in supplying construction and landscape materials in the Province of Ontario established presence in the US by acquiring an existing stone and construction equipment supply company in Florida. The petition was filed on behalf of the beneficiary to grow and expand the business.

  1. L1A for an Executive of an Importer and Wholesaler of Home Décor and Fragrances from India

The US company was set up to expand the operations of the Indian entity which has been engaged in importing and wholesaling of home décor and fragrances. The US Company will be selling products from India to brick-and-mortar stores as well as online. They are planning to have at least three warehouses that will allow the company store and easily service its clients. In addition, the Company will engage in the export of products to other countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom, as well as countries within the European Union and across Latin America.

3. L1B for a Cloud Solution Architect from India. 

The Petitioner provides a multi-cloud governance platform used to manage cloud resources in public cloud like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud etc. The goal of cloud governance is to enhance data security, manage risk, reduce cost and enable the smooth operation of cloud systems.  As a cloud governance provider, the Petitioner helps companies rapidly achieve continuous and autonomous cloud governance at scale across Financial operations (FinOps), Security Operations (SecOps) and Cloud operations (CloudOps).  

The Petitioner enables organizations with multi-cloud strategies and business models to monitor, act, and report from a single, unified dashboard. By building a secure, high-performing, resilient and efficient infrastructure with nextGen multi-cloud governance, the company helps achieve continuous and autonomous Cloud Governance at scale.

If you are interested in learning more about the L1 Visa or starting an application, contact us for a free consultation.

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

L1A Visa Petition Approval for a Nigerian Telecoms Executive

We are happy to share that have obtained another L1A visa petition approval. This time it is for a Nigerian telecommunications executive.

The US company, which is an affiliate of a Nigerian company, offers a range of telecommunication services, including installation and maintenance of telecom equipment related to the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), code-division multiple access (CDMA), and WiMAX (wireless broadband communication standards). It will provide custom, comprehensive in-building solutions for wireless networks.  It will engineer and install equipment to ensure the interconnection of all systems in a building while including access control and security measures. The US Company will conduct digital (core) center management services, ensuring that the clients’ networks and core systems are always operative and optimized.

The US Company will follow trends and new technologies in the telecommunication and IT industries. As such, it will provide installation and testing services, as well as commission products from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). The Company will also install and provide remote management of Flatpak systems integration. Flatpak is a system for building, distributing, and running sandboxed desktop applications on Linux. Through its partnerships with innovators on the IT market, the company will have access to the newest solutions that it will be able to offer to its end-user clients, while also providing testing services to manufacturers.

The Company will  also provide project management services, helping its clients to integrate new technologies into their IT systems.  Intelligence Era U.S.’s project management activities will be conducted in compliance with all required specifications and will not interfere with the clients’ daily operations. By hiring the Company, its clients will ensure that their internal networks are efficient and secure and can answer the demands of all daily tasks. It will provide maintenance and optimization services, updating the clients’ systems to cater to the changing needs of their businesses.

Besides providing services to its clients, the US company will also procure products needed by its clients for the design and installation of informational and telecommunication systems.  It will sell products such as switches, routers, network cables, SFTP cables, and DC converters. In order to support its sales and make the operations more profitable, the Company will create partnerships with the U.S. manufacturers of IT and telecommunication products, such as Cisco Systems, Inc. The Company will establish a supply chain management, sourcing products for its clients that best fit the designed solutions, as well as acquire products for its Nigerian affiliate based on the needs of its clients.

The L1 Visa permits the transfer of qualifying staff members to an existing or newly established US entity. That entity must have a qualifying relationship to the overseas business where the employee works (in this case an affiliate). The L1A Visa is for management and executive level staff and is renewable up to seven years. The L1B Visa is for specialized knowledge employees and is renewable upto five years.

By Verdie Atienza, Head of the L1 & E2 Visa Practice at Davies & Associates. With thanks to his team, especially Adele De Lellis for her work on this case.

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

Technology Visas

L-1A Petition Approved for Tech Company Managers

Davies & Associates is pleased to share another approval of an L-1A Visa petition, this time for an Armenian national. The beneficiary is the second executive to be transferred to the the US company from the Armenia firm.

We initially secured approval of the L-1 Visa new office petition for its CEO and now we have secured approval of the petition for the second beneficiary who will assume the position of Vice President for Customer Success.

The L-1A Visa is a non-immigrant category for multi-national managers and executives who are transferring to the existing or newly established US office of their foreign company. The visa is valid for up to seven years, during which time it is possible to apply for US permanent residency (Green Card) under the EB-1c Visa route.

The client’s foreign company is based in Yerevan, Armenia and it is involved in data center and telecommunications industries. It has developed an intent-based lifecycle management platform for open networking. The US company is a subsidiary of the foreign company. The subsidiary was set up in the US to replicate the foreign company’s success in the US and have access to a bigger market. 

Prior to the approval of this second petition, we also had the CEO’s L-1A status extended. The extension petition and the petition for the second executive of the US company were both approved without a “Request for Evidence” RFE).

He is interested in pursuing EB-1C Visa, which is a Green Card option for International Executives & Managers.

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

US Immigration Lawyer

D&A Achieves Triple L-1 Visa Petition Approvals

The approvals are the culmination of hard work from our L-1 Visa team throughout the pandemic.

Davies & Associates received the great news that three of our L-1 visa petitions were approved today. The L-1 Visa allows a manager, executive, or specialized-knowledge employee to transfer to the existing or newly established US office of a related company they work for overseas.

Two of the petitions were for employees in the same UK company, operating in the renewables and hydrocarbon space. When the client came to us, they were starting to feel hopeless because everyone that they have spoken to told them getting an L-1 petition approved for their team is not possible. We took the case and perservered, and now one manager and one executive have received and approval for their L-1A visa.

The L-1A Visa, which is specifically for managers & executives, is renewable for up to a maximum of seven years. The L-1B Visa, which is for specialized-knowledge employees, is renewable upto a maximum of five years.  

The company owns and operates five of the world’s most advanced and capable self-propelled jack-up vessels that have been built specifically to perform in the harsh environment of the North Sea and provide safe and efficient offshore solutions all over the world.  The vessels are designed to comply with the stringent regulations required to work in the international oil and gas sector. With a track record of over 500 wind turbine installations, the vessels have proven that they provide an effective solution to the installation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines and foundations. Likewise, the vessels have brought a new dimension to maintenance, modification, construction and decommissioning of oil & gas wells and platforms in the North Sea. 

The petitioning US company has a cooperation agreement with one of the biggest energy companies in the US. The US company provides consultancy and engineering services designed to ensure the successful construction of, as well as operation and maintenance of wind turbine Installation vessels specifically designed for the installation of offshore wind turbines. It will support the design and construction of self-propelled vessels that will ensure safe operation in various weather conditions and more hostile sea conditions.  

The unique nature of the industry and the unconventional business operations of the group of companies proved to be challenging, but in the end, we are glad to share that the two petitions have been approved. We are looking to file 3 more L-1 petitions for specialized employees for the client soon.

Kudos to our great team for tremendous effort on these two petitions. We had to work on the Request for Evidence (RFEs) and get the responses filed during the holidays.

The third approval is for a client who came to us with a Request for Evidence. The Indian and US companies operate playground/entertainment centers for children. The L-1A petition was prepared by another attorney. The petition had a lot of inconsistencies and discrepancies in the forms and the cover letter. There was also a serious discrepancy in the DS-160 pertaining to the beneficiary’s executive experience. On top of that, the duties and responsibilities were generic and poorly prepared. Thankfully, our response convinced USCIS to approve the petition. 

The L-1 Visa allows for the intracompany transfer of a qualifying employee to the United States. The related US business can be an existing business or a newly established one. The L-1 visa therefore provides a great opportunity to expand your business and move to the US to oversee the establishment and growth of the enterprise.

Contact us to discuss your interest in the L-1 Visa

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L-1 Visa for Manager of Small Business

L-1 Visa: Are Managers of Small Businesses Eligible?

In our latest video, our Senior Immigration Attorney Verdie Atienza dispels the myth that managers and executives or small businesses are not eligible for the L-1 Visa. The L-1 Visa allows for the transfer of management-level employees from the overseas office to the US office of the same company.

D&A Immigration Lawyer Verdie Atienza discusses L-1 Visas for Small Businesses

There is a widely held preconception that only big multinational firms are eligible for this visa because many of the recipients of L-1 visa work for large multinational companies. But that does not mean small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are not eligible. In fact, you do not yet need to have established the US entity in order to pursue the L-1 route.

Davies & Associates helps a growing number of businesses pursuing the New Office L-1 route. This is where our team of corporate lawyers assist you with setting up the US office and then our immigration attorneys assist you with the employee transfer under L-1 Visa category.

As Verdie explains in the video, the company must have a relevant relationship with the new US office. That could be parent, subsidiary, affiliate or branch. The important thing to look for in a law practice is one where the corporate and immigration teams work closely together because it is vital to ensure the US office is structured in a way that complies with the immigration regulations.

The L-1A Visa targets managers and executives and is valid for up to seven years. The L-1B targets employees in the company that hold specialized knowledge and is valid for upto five years. The initial validity period of an L-1 Visa (i.e. before renewal is required) depends on your country of origin and can be found in the State Department’s Reciprocity Schedule. New Office L-1 Visas are initially granted for one year so the authorities can check on the progress of the business sooner.

Contact Verdie the L-1 Visa Lawyer to discuss your specific interests and circumstances. In addition to L-1 Visa, Verdie also manages our firm’s E-2 Treaty Investor Visa practice.

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

L-1 Visa petition for Indian

L-1 Visa Client from India Approved in Just 9 Days

In a matter of just nine days, the US authorities approved an L-1 Visa petition for one of our clients. Whilst the client had a strong case, the careful preparation of the application by the D&A team meant there were no Requests for Evidence that are common for L-1 visas.

Requests for Evidence from Visa Applicants

Our client is a Chief Technology Officer of an Indian cargo security and IoT (internet of things) solution development company. We prepared and filed his  Visa L1 USA application. The L-1 Visa permits the transfer of managers, executives, and specialized knowledge employees to the US office of the same company.

The petitioning US company opted for premium processing which requires an additional payment of $2,500 to USCIS. While premium processing is expected to expedite the process, the US Citizenship & Immigration Services has been issuing Requests for Evidence (RFE) on most L-1 Visa petitions.

Depending on how massive the RFE is, the process could still be delayed for an additional period of 30-60 days even with premium processing.  D&A’s strategy has been to anticipate each and every single document that USCIS could potentially request for and prepare the strongest petition possible. With this approach, we minimize the possibility of getting RFEs or eliminate that possibility altogether.

L-1 Visa for Innovation and Tech Companies

The Indian parent company, where the L-1 Visa beneficiary is currently employed, has developed and patented an electro-mechanical locking system which consists of security lock and can be installed inside container vehicles. The subsidiary company in the US was set up to aggressively establish, develop and grow its business in the United States. The L-1 Visa beneficiary will serve as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the US company. In the said capacity, he will play a vital and leadership role in the accomplishment of the parent company’s expansion strategy.

The L-1 Visa beneficiary’s comprehensive knowledge of the solutions developed by the Indian parent will enable him to fully direct the US company’s efforts to enhance product insertion among companies throughout the United States. He will be fully responsible for all crucial executive functions, such as the company’s strategic positioning, financial management and sales operations. He will lead the company in developing and implementing strategic plans to achieve overall business objectives. His executive responsibilities will further entail cultivating business relationships with important U.S. clients.

What is an L-1 Visa

The L-1 Visa permits the transfer of an employee to the US office of your company. The L-1A visa targets management-level employees and the L-1B is aimed at employees with “Specialized Knowledge”. As the C.T.O of the firm, this particular L-1 Visa from India client was eligible for the L-1A visa, which is renewable upto a maximum of seven years. The L-1B is renewable upto a maximum of five years.

This client obtained what is known as a “New Office L-1 Visa”. This is where a new US office is established as part of the L-1 Visa process. The majority of L-1 visas are issued to employees of firms who already have established US entities. Yet, applications for New Office L-1 Visas are a growing fast. By setting up a new US entity, it is then possible to move a manager to the US to oversee the establishment and growth of that firm. New Office L-1 Visas are initially granted for upto one year so the USCIS can review progress, but ultimately have the same maximum validity period as any other L-1A or L-1B visa.


D&A has once again successfully prepared an L-1A petition for an executive of a foreign affiliate company. The L-1A petition was approved in 10 days without a Request for Evidence. The affiliate company in Greece is a software company which provides fully integrated, end-to-end business solutions, tailored to each customer’s needs and requirements. It specializes in building High Performance Software based on client driven specifications, aiming to act as business enablers rather than as simple IT product developers. The US Company was established to sell the foreign affiliate company’s set of fully integrated, end-to-end software and systems solutions services that will be tailored to each client’s needs and preferences and thus allow clients to achieve better financial returns, new sources of revenue, and reduced costs. The Company will work with clients to both activate data and optimize teams to analytically power their organizations. 

The L-1A beneficiary is a seasoned professional recognized in the corporate scenario as an innovator and leader in the software and systems solutions product and services industry in Greece. He has built a top-ranked software and systems solutions company with innovative software products to clients in a variety of industries, such as media, automotive, financial, governmental, real estate, shipping, healthcare, and education. 

Contact us to discuss the L-1 Visa or any other global immigration and business goal.

CONNECT WITH VERDIE ATIENZA Verdie heads up our firm’s L-1 & E2 Visa Practices

This article is published for clients, friends and other interested visitors for information purposes only. The contents of the article do not constitute legal advice and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Davies & Associates or any of its attorneys, staff or clients. External links are not an endorsement of the content.

L-1A Intracompany Transfer Visa Client Testimonial

India L-1 Visa Client Testimonial

Davies & Associates helped a client from India obtain an L-1A Intracompany Transfer Visa despite the pandemic. The L-1A Visa allows for the transfer of a management or executive-level employee from the overseas office to the US office of the same company. The L-1B Visa allows the same for an employee with specialized knowledge.

It is possible to set-up a new US office and transfer yourself or a member of staff to the U.S. to grow the U.S. operation. L-1 Visa applicants can take a spouse and children under the age of 21 with them. Spouses can apply for work authorization.

The L-1A Visa is limited to a maximum of 7 years and the L-1B visa is limited for a maximum of 5 years. The validity of the initial visa will be less than the maximum and initial validity depends upon country of origin and whether or not the applicant is applying for a New Office L1.

The L-1 has no annual quotas. It is possible to transition to a Green Card. Typically this is through the EB-1C visa but the EB-3 visa is also an applicable option.

Learn more about the L-1 Visa by clicking here.

View our latest L-1 Visa Client Testimonial Here


In the words of the client:

“I am pleased to say that with the help of Davies and associates actually significant amount of help from them we have made a successful application and in the next few weeks i will start my new role with my uh existing uh organization uh nowhere was i felt that you know this is out of depth very very clear expectations in terms of uh personal documents that are needed workplace documents that are needed subsidiary company documents that are needed you know and this is the first attempt from my organization site to uh transfer uh indian workers uh or indian managers i would say uh to the us uh for uh managerial and senior managerial roles it took us some time there were a few road uh roadblocks along the way where um suddenly due to cove 19 the u.s immigration services made a temporary ban on issuance of visa but the organization which is u.s immigration services division associates were very very clear in communicating to me that this is a temporary hurdle and there are uh options available to us right so yes it took us nine months uh with certain changes uh significant changes in the u.s immigration policy and yet nine months later we’ve had a successful application converted to a visa for three years and uh i myself am going to be going back to them uh for a eb1c um later this year so yes overall they’re 10 on 10 in terms of feedback in terms of transparency of the process documentation was up to mark in fact there was a point where i was kind of wondering the amount of documentation that we have generated would somebody actually read through it and they actually read through everything they designed a business plan around the documents that were submitted uh and we moved forward very very quickly uh once everything was you know as per expectation so they kept going back to the drawing board until they were satisfied that the us immigration services will be satisfied with the uh our case application that we have provided and you know that’s the type of people you want in your team uh when you’re making uh an application uh visa application in a challenging uh immigration policy environment that we faced in 2020 so overall i i just want to say thank you and i appreciate all the hard work that uh Davies and associates and their consultants and their lawyers did on my behalf so thank you very much Davies and associates we’re a full service immigration law firm we have a core team of immigration specialists that will guide you through every step of the visa process in addition to that we have a core corporate team our corporate lawyers assist our foreign clients such as investors entrepreneurs foreign businesses seeking to expand or invest into the united states with a full suite of corporate services this can involve company formation and the drafting of key corporate documents establishing the u.s bank accounts and getting the necessary tax id numbers reviewing a commercial lease amongst many other items that our clients find necessary and useful for their business in their early stage operations in the united states”

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