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Citizenship by Investment Program

Embarking on the journey towards global citizenship opens up a world of possibilities. With the guidance of expert immigration lawyers, you can explore a range of global citizenship by investment programs that provide an avenue to obtain a second passport.
These programs allow individuals to secure citizenship in another country by making a qualifying investment. Whether you seek enhanced travel privileges, access to better education and healthcare systems, or the ability to expand your business globally, citizenship by investment programs offer a pathway to achieve these goals.
Our team of experienced US visa attorneys is here to provide you with comprehensive guidance and assistance throughout the process. Join us as we delve into the realm of global citizenship and uncover the opportunities that await you.

What are citizenship by investment programs?

Citizenship by investment (CBI) programs, also known as economic citizenship or investor immigration programs, are initiatives offered by certain countries to grant citizenship and a second passport to individuals who make a substantial financial investment in their economy.
These programs provide an opportunity for individuals and families to acquire citizenship in a relatively expedited manner compared to traditional immigration processes. By making a qualifying investment in areas such as real estate, business, or government bonds, applicants can obtain citizenship and enjoy the associated benefits, including visa-free travel, expanded business prospects, access to quality education and healthcare systems, and the ability to live and work in the country of their choice.
Citizenship by investment programs vary in terms of investment requirements, processing times, and the rights and privileges granted to citizens, making it essential for potential applicants to thoroughly research and evaluate the available options before making a decision.

The Benefits of Citizenship by Investment Programs

Becoming a citizen by investment requires a significant financial commitment, but it is a popular path to citizenship in many countries around the world. The requirements to obtain a second passport vary from one country to another, but there are several potential benefits and common reasons people pursue citizenship through investment.

Mobility in Times of Unrest or Turmoil

Having a valid passport for a second country can make it significantly easier to travel when you want or need to do so. That’s particularly true if your current passport was issued by a country which imposes burdensome travel restrictions on its citizens or whose passports are considered “weak” relative to other countries.

Holding valid passports in two countries provides peace of mind and the freedom to travel quickly if socioeconomic conditions are less than favorable or if either country experiences political unrest or instability. When conditions change for the better and when you are ready to do so, your passport will make it easy to return.

Potential Business Growth

For business owners and entrepreneurs, choosing to invest in another country in order to obtain citizenship could help you expand your market share immediately without having to meet the sometimes-onerous requirements that are applicable to non-citizen or foreign investor business owners.

With additional opportunities to increase the sales of products and services by establishing operations on the ground, business owners can also positively impact their new communities, employ local talent and realize new operational efficiencies.

Tax Considerations

Pursuing a citizenship by investment program may also result in tax savings. For business owners, the fees and expenses related to the investment may qualify as deductible business expenses, resulting in lower tax liability for the year in which the investment is made. In addition, the target country for citizenship may offer more attractive tax rates than your home country. This can be a strategic way to improve tax efficiency while enjoying all the other benefits that come from being a citizen in a second country.

Investment Diversification and Currency Rates

Choosing to invest in real estate, a business or making other investments in a new country are other ways you can increase investment diversification, thereby reducing risk while creating and taking advantage of new opportunities to grow your assets.

Beyond diversification, investors may also realize benefits related to the currency rates and buying power of their chosen citizenship by investment countries. In many cases, investors find their purchasing power is better in their new countries, helping extend their income and making their investment returns more valuable.

Access Benefits Only Available to Citizens

When you get citizenship by investment, you are unlocking an array of potential benefits that are available only to citizens of your chosen country. These may include benefits such as health care, education and more. Access to expanded benefit options can improve quality of life for you and your family, making your investment even more valuable.

Opportunities for You and Your Family Members

Your investor visa application could also allow you to include your immediate family members. This means that all of you could have the amazing opportunities that come with living in another country, including an enhanced view of the world, the chance to learn another language, and the proximity to forge lifelong connections with people whose social and cultural backgrounds may look different from your own.

Ultimately, becoming a citizen of another country through a financial investment can be personally and professionally rewarding. Contact Davies & Associates to learn more today.

Comprehensive List of citizenship by investment programs by countries:

Citizenship by Investment categorized by country, type, investment amount, and expected time for visa:



Investment Amount

Expected Visa Time

United States

EB-5 Visa Program

$1.8 million (or $900,000 in targeted employment areas)

Approximately 24-30 months


Quebec Immigrant Investor Program

CAD $1.2 million

Approximately 12-44 months

United Kingdom

Tier 1 Investor Visa

£2 million

Approximately 8-12 weeks


Significant Investor Visa

AUD $5 million

Approximately 12-15 months


Malta Individual Investor Program

€650,000 (plus additional fees)

Approximately 12-14 months


Cyprus Citizenship by Investment Program

€2 million

Approximately 6 months


Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program

$150,000 (or $220,000 for a family of four)

Approximately 4-6 months

St. Kitts and Nevis

St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program

$150,000 (or $195,000 for a family of four)

Approximately 3-6 months

Please note that the investment amounts and expected visa times are approximate and subject to change. It's essential to consult with an immigration lawyer or the respective program authorities for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Frequently asked questions regarding citizenship by investment:

Which country gives the fastest citizenship by investment?

The specific timeframes for obtaining citizenship through investment programs can vary depending on multiple factors, including the country's processing times, eligibility requirements, and the efficiency of their systems. While several countries offer relatively fast citizenship by investment programs, St. Kitts and Nevis is often considered one of the fastest, with an estimated processing time of approximately 3-6 months.

What is the best country to buy citizenship in?

Determining the "best" country to buy citizenship in through investment depends on individual preferences and specific circumstances. Different countries offer unique benefits and advantages, such as visa-free travel, business opportunities, quality of life, tax advantages, and more. Some popular options for citizenship by investment include St. Kitts and Nevis, Malta, Cyprus, Portugal, and Dominica. It is crucial to carefully consider your personal goals and requirements before deciding which country's citizenship program aligns best with your needs.

Looking to acquire an Citizenship by Investment Visa?

We are known for our creative solutions that obtain "impossible" visas, we solve the most complex immigration problems for businesses, investors, individuals, and families.

Citizenship by Investment Visa Immigration lawyer near me

Looking to relocate or having trouble with a visa applicaton?

We are known for our creative solutions that obtain "impossible" visas, we solve the most complex immigration problems for business, investors, individuals and families.

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