What is E1 Treaty Trader Visa?

The E1 Visa allows businesspeople from specific countries to have easier access to the United States for the purposes of simplifying trade. At least 50% of the firm must be owned by citizens of a treaty country. Click here to find out if your country has an E1 Treaty with the United States. The firm must also conduct a substantial volume of trade in the United States and at least half of the firm’s business must be conducted there. If you meet these and other qualifications, the E1 Visa could simplify your ability to trade and do business with the United States.

Benefits of E1 Treaty Trader Visa

  • E1 visas can initially be granted for up to two years, during which time the holder may travel freely in and out of the U.S.
  • An E1 visa can be renewed in two-year increments an unlimited number of times. This can allow the Treaty Trader to remain in the U.S. for a prolonged period to ensure the continued success of the business.
  • An E1 holder who travels abroad may generally be granted an automatic two-year period of readmission when returning to the U.S.
  • An E1 holder will receive authorization to work legally in the United States for the trading firm.
  • Unlike the L1 visa, there is no requirement for qualified employees to have worked for the Trader for at least one year previously.
  • Visas are available for an E1 applicant's accompanying spouse and unmarried children (under 21 years of age). The applicant's spouse may apply for work authorization in the United States without restrictions as to the place of employment. However, the children may not accept employment.

E1 Treaty Trader Visa program

In our experience the preparation of a business plan that demonstrates how your business clearly meets the requirements of the E visa program is critical. For that reason our Wharton MBA lawyers work with a specialist team of business analysts to prepare business plans that meet the approval of the toughest immigration and consular officers.

L1 Visas E1 Visas E2 Visas EB5 Visas
Visa available to nationals of any country? Nationals of treaty trader countries only Nationals of treaty trader countries only
Must I have worked for a related company abroad for one year?
Ability of dependent Spouse to work in US
Can the visa be renewed into perpetuity assuming I re-qualify?
Is a business plan a very key element of a successful application?
Minimum investment Required Sufficient to operate valid foreign business and US office or business entity No but needs to be a real, viable, business Sufficient to fund business enterprise, generally around USD 100,000.00 although less is possible Either USD 500,000.00 or USD 1,000,000.00
Immigrant visa status
Can lead to green card after one year

Transition to green card status through EB5 program possible

Transition to green card status through EB5 program possible

visa initially issued for a conditional two year period.

Note: an L1 visa has the advantage over an E1 visa of more easily leading to permanent residency (green card). Contrary to popular myth, moving from an E visa to a green card IS possible but is difficult without an immediate US relative or use of the EB5 program.

Click here for a list of countries that have an active E1 treaty with the United States.

The spouse of minor children of an E1 visa holder can apply for dependent E visa status. With E1 dependent status the spouse of an E-visa holder may lawfully work in the United States.

Although there are options and our firm assists client adjust from E visa status to that of “green card” holder, an E1 visa does NOT directly lead to permanent residency (also called a “green card”). In fact, an E1 applicant must have the intent to return to his or her country of origin once the visa expires.

If your goal is to eventually become a permanent resident of the United States, other options may be more suitable for you, such an L1 visa, or the EB5 Immigrant Investor Program

Davies & Associates is a specialized immigration law firm. A substantial part of our practice focuses on assisting business owners and investors with E1, E2, L1 and EB5 visas. Through our international presence we have specialist knowledge of the specific procedures in multiple embassies and consulates around-the-world. While there can never be any guarantees, in fifteen years we have yet to have any E visa application we have prepared denied.

Please feel free to contact our E-visa team with any additional questions you may have.

E1 Visa Solutions by Country of Nationality or Residency

Select your country for more information

Why make Davies & Associates Your E1 Treaty Trader Visa Lawyers

  • Our firm offers free initial consultations to determine your eligibility for the E1 Visa.
  • The E1 visa practice group sits within the wider "E Visa & L Visa Practice Group", which means our attorneys can assess whether the E1 Visa is the optimal route and advise on whether an E2 Visa or an L1 Visa would be a better way to meet your business and immigration goals.
  • We have helped hundreds of clients successfully move to the United States on an E visa, so contact us today to discuss.

Looking to acquire an E1 Treaty Trader Visa?

We are known for our creative solutions that obtain "impossible" visas, we solve the most complex immigration problems for businesses, investors, individuals, and families.

E1 Treaty Trader Visa Immigration lawyer near me

Looking to relocate or having trouble with a visa applicaton?

We are known for our creative solutions that obtain "impossible" visas, we solve the most complex immigration problems for business, investors, individuals and families.

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