Blogs – Usimmigrationadvisor

E-2 Visa approved for a Singaporean national during COVID-19

Podcast: Comparing E2 & L1 Visas in Light of the “Immigration Ban”

Davies & Associates · Comparing L1 and E2 Visas in Light of Trump's "Immigration Ban" The L-1 Intracompany Transfer Visa was temporarily suspended last month as part of President Trump's ongoing so-called "immigration ban". The list of visa categories suspended through to the end of the year is now quite lengthy. However, there are notable exemptions: The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa and the E-2 Treaty Investor Visa are not included. In this podcast we speak to Verdie Atienza, a senior ...

President Trump Reverses Ban on Foreign Students Taking Online Courses

President Trump has been forced to make a U-Turn on his attempts to revoke the immigration status of international students taking online courses in the fall. Most university courses across the United States have gone online in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, and many are expected to stay that way for the fall semester. Students and their parents from around the world had been left to reconsider their education plans as a result of the president's initial announcement. However, a ...

E2 Visa Myth Busting: Do I have to stay in Grenada?

By Mark Davies, Global Chairman, Davies & Associates "I have to stay in Grenada for six months to get my E2 Visa" if I use the donation route for my Grenada CBI case. One of our clients e-mailed me this morning having been given this completely false statement, probably by a salesman selling another country's program. For a E2 visa the only country that has a residency requirement is the United Kingdom (which is the oldest E2 treaty). We do ...
E-2 Visa approved for a Singaporean national during COVID-19

Should Vietnam and India be granted E-2 Visa Status?

D&A Global Chairman Mark Davies argues the time is ripe to grant E2 and E1 Visa status for Vietnam and Indian citizens. Before coming to Vietnam I did not realize that the US is Vietnam's largest export market. Having spent years in India I did know of the massive potential to grow cross-border business between the US and India. We are seeing a lot of interest in the L1 Visa and E2 Visa from companies in our offices in Ho ...

Thẻ xanh “dương”: Câu trả lời của Châu Âu đối với Thẻ xanh “lá” của Hoa Kỳ

By Matteo Tisato & Simon Nguyen Trong những tháng qua, thế giới phải đối mặt với tình huống khó khăn do đại dịch CoVid 19 bùng phát ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến đời sống và kinh tế của các quốc gia. Trong khi đó, ngày 22 tháng 6 năm 2020, Tổng thống Donald Trump vừa ký sắc lệnh tạm thời ngừng cấp các visa không định cư cho công dân ngoài Hoa Kỳ như L1, H-1B, H4, L, etc. cho ...

The “Blue Card” Europe’s Answer to the US Green Card

Matteo Tisato, Senior Immigration Analyst in our Italy Practice Group, examines the requirements for a European Blue Card. After a tough few months in Europe, which saw tens of thousands of deaths from the global pandemic, cities in lockdown, and borders closed, early signs of normality are appearing as European countries are reopening their borders to foreign travelers, with some exclusions. In the last few days, our offices in London, Rome, and Florence are experiencing a massive volume of calls ...
US Immigration

E-2 Visa: Worried about your Children “Ageing Out”?

Are you worried about your children "ageing out" of a family E-2 visa? Are you worried about leaving behind extended family members? We can help you solve this issue with some careful planning. By Verdie Atienza & Sukanya Raman If you are planning to move to America but are concerned about your child age and your extended family members to be a part of your application, we have a solution for you. We see that a lot of Indian nationals ...

D&A Immigration Newsletter: July 2020 Updates India, US, Italy, Vietnam Immigration

Join our EB-5 Visa Webinar | July 8 2020Interest in EB-5 visa is growing quickly because it has not been included in President Trump's "immigration ban". Join us for a free webinar where our Global Chairman, Mark Davies, will answer all your EB-5 questions. Mark will be joined by Matt Hogan, Vice President of Project Development at CMB Regional Centers. The EB-5 visa offers a path to US permanent residency (Green Card) for a minimum $900,000 investment per family. Conditions ...

UK Government Extends Citizenship offer to Hong Kong Residents

The British government is proposing to offer a pathway to citizenship for around 3 million residents of Hong Kong. The move is a response to China's introduction of a new national security law in the Special Administrative Region. The UK views this as a breach of the agreement surrounding the handover of the territory in 1997. "We made clear that if China continued down this path we would introduce a new route for those with British National Overseas Status to ...
Grenada Citizenship by Investment Programme

Grenada Citizenship by Investment: Spouses & Single Applicants

Grenada has one of the most cost-effective citizenship by investment programs in the world. A $150,000 donation to the National Transformation Fund or a $220,000 investment in real estate leads very quickly to citizenship of a beautiful, stable, economically diverse country. The investment route is especially popular, because it offers the chance of having the capital returned. The main investment opportunities are luxury hotel developments under construction on the island. Yet some people opt for the donation route because it ...
UK, Canada, Australia: Gateways to The E-2 Treaty Investor Visa

Trump’s Immigration Ban leads to Surge in Interest in UK Visas

By Duncan Hill, Marketing Director, Davies & Associates Our clients have always been interested in the UK, but we have certainly seen a spike since President Trump suspended a whole lot of US visas in April (and then a whole lot more last week). The first thing to say is that not all US visas have been suspended. We specialize in two key categories that are exempt. The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program and the E-2 Treaty Investor Visa were ...
Italy Reopens to Travel – Options for Immigration

Live your Italian Dream through the Elective Residency Visa

By Matteo Tisato. Matteo is a Senior Immigration Analyst in our Italy Practice Group. Connect with Matteo on LinkedIn. With offices across Italy, Davies & Associates is able to help foreign nationals obtain the right to live, work or claim citizenship, collect debts, and pay taxes in the country. In the first of a series of blogs from the Italy Practice Group, Matteo Tisato examines the benefits, requirements, and timelines of the elective residency visa. The Italian elective residency visa ...

EB-5 Project Due Diligence in Covid-19 era

By Mark Davies, Global Chairman, D&A While the pandemic was not predictable economic shocks such as the mortgage crisis or just a plain economic downturn are. Without making any comment at all on any specific EB-5 project, it is true that investors need to make sure that proper protections are in place when investing in any project. Many, not all, EB5 projects simply do not have the protections in them that a normal non-EB5 investor would demand. There absolutely are ...

July Visa Bulletin shows India EB-5 Visa Priority Date as “Current”

The State Department has published the July Visa Bulletin, which offers some insight into the waiting times for the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program. The most notable change in this month's Visa Bulletin is that EB-5 Visa Priority Date for India has become "Current". What this means is that India is no longer in retrogression and EB-5 applicants born in India can progress to the next stage and schedule their visa appointment once they are approved. At first glance this ...
Bankruptcy in India during Covid-19

Insolvency & Bankruptcy in India during Covid-19

Neha Mehta analyses what the Indian government is doing to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on bankruptcy and insolvency. COVID-19 & INITIAL MEASURES Covid-19 has altered the fabric of the global economy. Worldwide lockdowns, travel restrictions, restraint on international trade and other stringent measures to curb the pandemic, has led to uncertainty around the future of many businesses.With the objective of lending support to struggling businesses, most nations, including India, have introduced fiscal, monetary and protective measures to prevent multiple ...