Blogs – Usimmigrationadvisor

Dubai Introduces New Visa Targeting Retirees

Dubai has long been a place for ambitious, younger people seeking exciting job opportunities. Now, it is also set to become the place for older people seeking the good life as well. The government of the emirate has introduced a new type of visa, allowing expats to retire in there for the first time. To qualify for the retiree visa, you must be over the age of 55, and also meet the financial requirements. This includes having a monthly income ...
/ Retiree Visa, Uncategorized
E-2 US visa for Brazilan Nations

Italy Flat Tax for HNWIs Leads to 784 New Tax Residents

The Italian authorities have announced that 784 high-net-worth individuals have applied for tax residency in Italy over the first three years of the program. The reason? A €100,000 flat tax on income for up to fifteen years. The country with the most applicants (10%) was Great Britain, followed by France (58 applicants), the United States (20 applicants) and Russia (19 applicants). Italy's attempts to attract foreigners to obtain tax residency does not stop with high-net-worth individuals. The country has attempted ...

E2 Visa: Mexicans now Eligible for Longer-Validity E2 & E1 Visas

By Maxine Philavong The U.S. Department of State has recently implement major changes to the reciprocity schedule for Mexican nationals. Following the latest Department of State periodic review and update of visa reciprocity in pursuant of a January 2018 Executive Order, Mexican nationals will now benefit from increased visa validity periods in the E-1 Treaty Trader and USA E2 Visa categories. According to the latest Department of State reciprocity schedule, E-1 and E-2 visas for Mexican nationals can be granted ...
/ E2 Visa
US Immigration

EB5 Visa: Cost of Form I-526 Increasing by 9% from October

US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced the outcome of its biennial fee review earlier this month. Form I-526 - Immigrant Petition by Alien Investor - will be subject to a price increase. The form, which is the first step of the EB-5 application process, will increase to $4,010 from October. This represents a 9% increase on the current price of $3675. An increase in the minimum investment amount last November is the principle reason for the large increase. At ...
Tax Planning for US Immigration

Podcast: Tax Planning for the American Dream

When we first start thinking about moving to the United States, tax is not always uppermost in our minds. But as Global Tax Counsel Gary Kaufman explains in this podcast, it is vital to start planning your tax position from the earliest stages of the process. In this podcast we cover tax as it relates to the two types of US immigration - immigrant visas and non-immigrant visas. Immigrant visas refer to programs like the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa and ...
E-2 Visa approved for a Singaporean national during COVID-19

“Immigration Ban” Relaxed for H-1B and L-1 Visa Holders Returning to Same Job

By Maxine Philavong After several lawsuits that were backed by large U.S. companies, the Trump administration relaxed part of its so-called "immigration ban" on foreign nationals, permitting those on H-1B and L-1 visas to return to their previous held employment in the U.S.. In April, the administration barred all foreign nationals who did not previously hold a valid visa from working in the U.S. for 60 days due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In June, President Trump signed an executive order ...

Benefits of Grenada Citizenship Programme: Visa-Free Access to China

Many of our clients are motivated to apply for the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program because of it provides rapid access to the United States E-2 Treaty Investor Visa. But that is only part of the picture. There are many benefits to Grenadian citizenship in its own right. This includes no residency requirements, no tax on worldwide income, as well as citizenship of a politically and economically stable country. And now, we are seeing clients cite another factor as their ...

Acquire a Franchise Business and Move to the United States

Did you know it was possible to move to the United States to run a franchise business. The E-2 Treaty Investor Visa allows people to emigrate to the US for the purposes of investing in and managing a business. This can include a franchise. In this video, our Global Chairman Mark Davies, addresses some of the frequently asked questions about franchise business. And advises on some of the pitfalls to be aware of and to avoid. For example, franchise brokers ...
US Immigration Lawyer

National Interest Exception: Traveling to the United States during Covid19

By Global Director of Client Relations, Davies & Associates Recent months have proven to complicate matters for those seeking to travel to the United States. This is especially concerning for those that have serious matters to attend to within the United States – whether it be issues related directly business, academics or family. On July 20th, 2020, the US Embassy and Consulates General in Italy resumed certain immigrant and non-immigrant visa processing services – including appointments for treaty-investors, exchange visitors ...

Grenada CBI: Beware Buyback or Rebate Scam

By Sukanya Raman, Associate, D&A India Under the Grenadian Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program if an applicant chooses to invest in a Government-approved the project, then the minimum investment in the share of the approved project is US $220,000 & it should be held for a minimum period of 5 years which is the statutory holding period. Grenada CBI Committee has observed that some Marketing Agents and Local Agents are buying back the shares from the applicants soon after they ...
Positano Italy

Podcast: Chasing the Italian Dream: Residency & Citizenship Options

Davies & Associates · Chasing the Italian Dream: Residency & Citizenship Options - Matteo Tisato, Senior Immigration Analyst at Davies & Associates takes you through various options for moving to Italy, including: The Italian Investor Visa. Matteo discusses recent changes to the Investor Visa. The Italian Investor visa has long been considered uncompetitive on price in relation to other, similar European programs. To attract more high-net-worth individuals as a result of Covid. The government has halved the minimum investment requirement ...
L-1 & E2 Visa for US Practice Team

Davies & Associates: First US E2 Visa Approval Post Reopening

US consular services are finally starting to get back to work after a Covid-enforced hiatus. Davies & Associates yesterday received its first approval since the pandemic caused a shut-down of all but essential operations at US embassies in March. But with US airspace still closed to travellers from many countries, a National Interest Exception is required for foreign nationals wishing to travel from a restricted country. The successful, Switzerland-based client has established a pharmaceutical consultancy in New Jersey under the ...
/ Covid19, E2 Visa

E2 Mythbusters: Investment Amounts

Mark Davies, Global Chairman, Davies & Associates MYTH: "An E2 visa requires a minimum investment of USD 200,000, USD 300,000 or more to be safe" This is a common "myth" in E2 Our firm files hundreds of E2 Visa cases with an investment of about USD 100,000 and to date we have never had an E2 visa refusal problem. While not necessarily recommended, we have had a case approved for an investment of USD 60,000. For a successful E2 Treaty ...
/ E2 Visa
EB-5 petitions visa

E2 Visa: You Now No Longer Need a Physical Office Space

By Sukanya Raman, Associate, D&A Mumbai Office On July 17th 2020, the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) was updated by the United States Department of State (DOS). The updates state that an applicant need not have a physical office space to qualify for E Visa. E-1  Treaty Trader and E-2 Treaty Visa applicants shall benefit the most. E-1 and E-2 visas are non-immigrant visas. Under an E-1 visa, applicants of the treaty country are permitted to enter the U.S. wholly to ...
E-2 US visa for Brazilan Nations

The Italian Dream is now Half Price

The Italian government is reducing key investment requirements for its Investor Visa by 50%. - By Matteo Tisato, Senior Immigration Analyst, D&A Italy - Just yesterday, the Italian Parliament passed into law a governmental Decree with a number of measures aimed at relaunching the Italian economy as a response to the dramatic impact that the Covid-19 health emergency had on the Italian and global economy. In particular, the Italian government has taken actions in order to attract and encourage foreign ...