매년, 한국은 성공적으로 E 비자를 신청하는 측면에서 주요 국가의 하나입니다. 우리는 미국의 기존 사업을 확대하고 E-1, E-2, L-1, EB-5 비자를 사용하여 새로운 사업을 시작하고자 하는 대한민국 국민을 도와드립니다. 우리는 "한국 국민과 함께 작업하는 최고의 E 비자 변호사"로 알려지고 있으며 보장을 할 수는 없으나 지금까지 우리가 준비했던 클라이언트 중 그 누구의 신청서도 거부된 적이 없습니다.

E 비자는 귀하에게 적합한 해결책입니까?
E 비자는 사업을 시작하거나 미국에 투자 하고자하는 대한민국 국민을 위한 훌륭한 해결책이 될 수 있습니다. 우리는 귀하에게 E 비자가 적합한 해결책인지를 평가하고 성공적인 E 비자 신청을 준비하기 위한 명확한 지침을 제공하는데 도움이 됩니다.
무엇을 도와 드릴까요?
우리의 사업 및 투자 비자 팀은 미국에서 사업을 시작 및 확장하고자 하는 전세계의 기업 소유주, 투자자 및 기업가를 지원을 전문으로 합니다. 우리는 실제 비즈니스와 이민관점에서 요구되는 사항을 충족하기 위한 고객 각각의 위해 준비된 고유의 이민 전략 고안에 집중한다는 점에서 다른 미국 이민 법률 회사와 다릅니다. 우리는 “비자 제작소”가 아니며, 그렇게 되지 않을 것 입니다.
이민 변호사뿐만 아니라 우리 한국 E 비자 팀은 귀하의 비즈니스를 시작하거나 미국에서 사업을 확장 지원할 수 있도록 도와주는 세금 및 기업 전문가를 포함합니다. 비즈니스 및 개인 요구를 충족할 수 있는 적합한 해결책을 얻는 것이 저희의 제일 우선권입니다.

귀하의 비즈니스의 중요한 차별화를 지각하세요
우리 회사는 최고 비자 신청을 제출하기 위해 우리가 귀하의 비즈니스를 알고 이해하는것이 중요하다고 생각합니다. 저희는 귀하의 비즈니스를 시간을 가지고 배우기를 원하고 가능하면 귀하의 사업을 방문하고 싶습니다. 우리의 목표는 최고의 미국 이민 서비스를 렌더링할 수 있는 귀하의 장기적인 파트너가 되고자 합니다.
E-1, E-2 비자 및 사업 계획
확실한 사업 계획은 성공적인 E-1혹은 E-2 비자 신청의 필수적인 부분입니다. 우리 회사는 E-1및 E-2 비자 신청을 위해 경험이 많은 와튼 MBA 교육을 받은 사업 이민 변호사와 사업 계획 준비에 전념하는 사업 계획 분석가의 팀을 공동 작업하게 합니다. 우리 한국 E-비자 사업 계획 팀은 한국의 문화와 사업 방법론의 미묘한 점을 이해합니다.

한국어 E 비자 소지자에 대한 전문적인 세금 고려 사항
대한민국 국민은 효율적이지 못한 세금 계획 때문에 수천 달러를 불필요하게 세금에 지불합니다. 우리는 비즈니스 소유자,기업가 및 투자자 지원을 전문으로하는 미국의 이민 법률 사무소지만, E 비자의 성공적인 신청을 위해 세금 문제를 해결하는 것이 중요한 부분이라고 생각합니다. 이런 이유로 우리는 한국어 E 비자 팀의 일부로 전용 국제 조세 변호사가 있습니다. 한국어 E-비자 신청자에 대한 세금 전문가의 고려 사항에 대한 자세한 정보는 여기를 클릭하여 참고 하실수 있습니다.
미국에 직원을 데리고 가는 사항
귀하의 비즈니스는 한국의 E 비자 사업으로 자격이있는 경우, 특정 대한민국 국민 비투자자 직원 E 비자를 취득하고 귀하의 비즈니스에서 일하기 위해 미국에 그 직원들을 데리고 갈 수 있습니다. 이런 상황에 관력된 요구 사항이 복잡하니 자세한 사항은 저희 사무실에 연락 질문하시길 바랍니다.
서울에서 귀하의 사건을 논의 (고유의 장점)
우리 한국 이민 팀 변호사는 미국에 본사를 두고있지만 서울에있는 사무실 시설을 유지하기 위해서 E와 L 비자 이민 변호사들이 유일한 미국에 본사를 두고 있는 변호사로서 한국에 있는 고객을 방문합니다. 우리는 한국 고객들을 위해 전화 및 인터넷을 통해 주 7 일간 연락 가능하며 대한민국 서울에 위치하고 있는 우리 사무실에서 만날 준비를 할 수 있습니다.
Latest case studies
- June 2024 - E2 treaty investor visa application approved for a UK citizen
- July 2024 - E-2 Treaty investor visa application approved for a UK citizen
- July 2024 - E2 Treaty Investor Visa Application Approved for a UK Citizen
- Change of status application from F-1 to E-2 treaty investor
- E-2 for Essential Employee- Singapore
- E-2 treaty investor Visa application approved for a UK national
- E-2 Treaty investor visa approved for a Bangladesh citizen
- E-2 Treaty investor visa for a UK national valid for 5 years
- E-2 Visa application approved for an Australian citizen
- 5-Year E-2 treaty investor visa issued to a filipino citizen
- E-2 Visa in the “essential employee category” approved for singaporean national
- U.S. visas for critical employees of a Singapore-based wealth management company
- 5-year E-2 visa for a romanian investor issued by the U.S. embassy in Bucharest
- Approved: E2 Visa for Owner of Norwegian Skincare Company
- Change of Status E2 Treaty Investor: Pakistan
- Changing status - F-1 to E-2
- D&A Clients Wait Out the EB-5 Queue in the USA Using E-2 Visa
- E-2 Status for Indian Born Purchaser of Retail Business with Australian Passport
- E-2 Treaty Investor Visa application approved for a uk citizen
- E-2 Treaty investor Visa application approved for a filipino investor
- E-2 Visa for Design and Decorating Enterprise
- E-2 Visa for a Founder/CEO of a Real Estate Investment Firm
- E-2 Visa: Change of Status approved for a Singaporean national amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
- E-2 Visas for UK nationals valid for 5 years
- E-2 for Footwear / Fashion
- E-2 for Real Estate Development
- E-2 for Real Estate Start-Up Firm
- E-2 for a Recreational Water Sports Company
- E-2 treaty investor visa for a UK national valid for 5 years
- E-2 treaty investor visa renewal for another 4 years for an australian citizen and E-2 derivative visas for his spouse and child
- E2 Study Cases
- E2 Treaty Investor - Rug & Carpet Retail and Wholesale
- E2 Treaty Investor Visa for Aviation Industry
- E2 treaty investor visa for an italian national
- E2 visa for Commercial Lighting Fixtures
- Grenada CBI Coupled with a USA E-2 Visa
- Keeping a Family together through the E-2 Visa: Client Case Study
- Message from a satisfied E-2 client
- Renewal of E-2 Treaty Investor Visa for an Australian National
- भारत में जन्मे ऑस्ट्रेलियाई के लिए कैलिफोर्निया में स्टोर खोलने के लिए E-2 वीजा
- August 14th, 2024. E-2 treaty investor visa approved for a UK national
- August 15th, 2024. E-2 visa application approved for a UK national
- August 2024. E-2 Visa Approved for Yet Another Employee of a Wealth Management Company
- August 2024. Renewal application for E-2 Visa approved for a Canadian Citizen
- August 2024. US Consulate issues immigrant visas to indian EB-5 investor and family
- E-2 Visa for Leading Fashion Designer
- E-2 Visa validity based on reciprocity schedule
- E-2 Visas issued by the us embassy in London to the principal applicant and to his spouse and child
- E-2 treaty investor visa for an Italian citizen issued by the U.S. Embassy in Singapore
- E-2 visa for a UK citizen and E-2 derivative visas for his wife and son
- Five (5) E-2 visas issued by the U.S. Embassy in Manila
- UK national: E-2 Treaty Investor Visa application approved
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Looking to acquire an E Visa?
We are known for our creative solutions that obtain "impossible" visas, we solve the most complex immigration problems for businesses, investors, individuals, and families.
E Visa Immigration lawyer near meSeveral lawyers told me I would not be able to get a TN visa. Two weeks after contacting Davies & Associates I was working in New York, visa in hand.
Individual seeking 'Impossible' TN VisaD&A was very detail-oriented and was very thorough in what they did” L1 Visa Client. There was a lot of work on my case and worked on it 24/7 and was very patient answering all my questions.
E2 Visa ClientMy case felt complex but D&A managed the whole process carefully and helped me move seamlessly from one stage to the next.
E2 + CBI ClientD&A was my guiding light through the entire EB5 Process.
EB5 Visa ClientI would definitely be a big advocate for the rest of my life for anyone wanting to explore the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Programme leading to the E2 Visa. The most important thing is a good team behind you.. with Davies & Associates you’re in safe hands… you need someone who can give you all the support at the ground level and, again, you are well take care of by D&A. The people are really warm, very helpful and quite openminded when it comes to business… Not to mention as a passport it’s great from a travel perspective…It’s just 4/5 hours from New York.
Grenada CBI + E2 Visa ClientThe entire process of getting an EB5 visa is handled in a professional way by Mark Davies and his team. EB5 is a wonderful option for anyone considering moving to the United States if you have the means. I was hoping to use the H1B route for my children, but it became unreliable and so I looked to the EB5 Visa instead. It is great for anyone who has the resources. Mark gives you the first meetings himself which gives you great comfort. Both Mark and Sanjay are abundantly available and I even had the pleasure of hosting them at my house.
Parent of 2 EB5 Visa HoldersI'm in a process of extending my L1 visa. I submitted a few questions regarding my case and he contacted me back almost immediately both by e-mail and telephone. Unlike other attorneys I met before, he gave me the impression of knowing from the top of his head what kind of visa I have, and what actions had to be taken to extend it. He is very thorough and clear regarding the process and what to expect in terms of timelines and issues that may arise. He is constantly in contact, so you definitely know he's working on your case.
L1B Visa HolderMark Davies is a joy to work with. His extensive knowledge, speedy response and attentive service took away all my fears of dealing with immigration and visa applications. He is very generous with his time in explaining every step along the way and I have already and will in the future recommend him to anybody who is looking for an immigration lawyer.
E2 Visa for Small Professional Business With International OfficesDavies & Associates assisted us with an immigration emergency involving my brother's fiancée who was outside the United States. They assisted us in an highly professional manner, working with the relevant US embassy, US immigration and the governments of two other countries. As a result of their efforts the individual involved is now working in the United States. While their knowledge of the law is exemplary what really distinguishes this firm and attorney Davies from any other firm we have worked with is their dedication to customer service and their unrivaled level of professionalism.
Complex Fiancée Visa Need Involving Multiple International JurisdictionsSeveral lawyers told me I would not be able to get a TN visa. Two weeks after contacting Davies & Associates I was working in New York, visa in hand. I have recommended this firm to several friends and colleagues, they do an excellent job every time.
Individual Seeking 'Impossible' TN VisaI was qualified as a physician in a foreign country. Being on a J1 visa I was facing having to leave the United States and return to my home country. Davies & Associates secured one of only 30 J1 visa waivers available in my State, allowing me to work for a US hospital and remain in the United States.
Doctor Seeking J1 Visa WaiverI am very satisfied with the services Mark Davies has provided me. He has a very extensive knowledge in immigration laws and has a thorough approach to any case.
U Visa Applicant, A Victim of CrimeLooking to relocate or having trouble with a visa applicaton?
We are known for our creative solutions that obtain "impossible" visas, we solve the most complex immigration problems for business, investors, individuals and families.
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