Becoming an Italian Citizen

There are three main ways to naturalize as an Italian citizen through residency, through marriage and through ancestry. Non-EU residents can apply to naturalize after maintaining residency for ten years, while European Union Citizens can apply for citizenship after just two years.

Italian Ancestry Citizenship (Jure Sanguinis)

The Jure Sanguinis enshrines the right of a person of Italian descent to hold Italian citizenship. The word Sanguinis relates to blood, but in reality, anyone adopted into an Italian family is also eligible.

Millions of Italians migrated overseas in waves at the end of the 19th century and in the early 20th Century. Popular destinations were the United States, Brazil, Venezuela, the United Kingdom, and Argentina. Millions of people from these countries can trace their ancestry back to Italy, perhaps without even knowing it.

Our Italian citizenship team, based in Rome, helps clients research their family tree and determine their eligibility. Simply having an Italian ancestor does not necessarily make a person eligible for citizenship. For example, the timing of when the ancestor naturalized to become a citizen of another country may have an impact on whether the descendent is eligible for Italian citizenship.

Our team in Rome helps to determine eligibility and prepares and files the application. Please contact us to start the process today.

Benefits of Italian Citizenship

An Italian passport offers the ability to live and work in any European Union country. It also grants visa-free access to 126 countries, as well as the ability to get a visa upon arrival in a further 39. Holders of an Italian passport are eligible for the Visa Waiver Program to the United States. This program allows citizens or nationals of participating countries to enter the United States for up to 90 days without a visa. Brazilian citizens are not currently eligible and must apply for a visa before travelling to or transiting through the United States. Italian Citizenship also makes Brazilians eligible for the E-2 Treaty Investor Visa to the United States.

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Looking to relocate or having trouble with a visa applicaton?

We are known for our creative solutions that obtain "impossible" visas, we solve the most complex immigration problems for business, investors, individuals and families.

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