Case Studies: E-2 Treaty Investor Visa application approved for a uk citizen

Industry: Cosmetic Industry
Visa Type: E-2 Treaty Investor Visa
Country: UK

E-2 Treaty Investor Visa application approved for a uk citizen


One of the important requirements to qualify for E-2 Treaty Investor visa is to prove that the company is real and operating. If you are acquiring an existing a business or a franchise, it should be easier to demonstrate that the the company is real and operating. If you are establishing your own start up company, it is a different story.

On one hand, you need to show that you have placed your investment funds at risk, which means that you have to make the business expenditures already to get the company operational like legal fees, lease payments, marketing expenses, equipment, inventory, among others. On the other hand, you also want to minimize the risk on your part as an investor because there is no guarantee that your E-2 visa application will be approved.

The good news is that there are ways to meet the E-2 requirements and at the same time, minimize the risk of losing your money and not getting your E-2 visa. It is certainly possible to apply and qualify for an E-2 Treaty Investor visa with your own start-up company. In fact, most of our E-2 clients are start-up entrepreneurs with their own products and/or services.

Our client established a skincare product formulator, manufacturer, and online retailer. The Company provides its products through business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-client (B2C) sales channels. Through the B2B channel, the company formulates and manufacture skincare products for spas and salons looking to sell a line of products under their own brand, beauty entrepreneurs and influencers looking to sell a line of cosmetics to their following, and new and established Cosmetic Industry entrepreneurs. Through the B2C channel, the Company will sell products directly to end-consumers via online platforms.

If you want to know the details about the requirements and the process of applying for E-2 Treaty Investor visa, please feel free to contact us.

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