The E-2 Visa: Renewing your Visa

While a consulate can issue an E-2 visa for any period they like up to a maximum of five years D&A have never filed an E-2 visa Petition in London that has been approved for a period of anything less than five (5) years.
While D&A has never had a UK E-2 visa refused in one case an E-2 visa was issued to a British Citizen at a US consulate in Australia with a validity period of two (2) years. This case involved one individual operating a very small business where the investment in the business was largely achieved through donated equipment.
Other than this one example all US E2 Visa applicants represented by our firm have been approved for the maximum five (5) year term.
How do I Renew an E-2 Visa?So long as your business is still viable and you have not made substantial changes you should have no difficulty having your E-2 visa renewed.
How Many Times can my E-2 Visa be Renewed?There is no limit on how many times an E-2 visa can be renewed.

So long as:
(a) a primary applicant’s E-2 visa remains valid; and
(b) the spouse remains eligible for visa issuance by not committing a disqualifying offense a spouse will be generally able to renew their E-2 visa into perpetuity.
The child of an E-2 visa holder can renew their dependent E-2 visa until they reach the age of 21.
Davies & Associates in the United KingdomWe are recognized as a leading US law firm specializing in E-2 visa applications for UK Nationals.
Our resources across the US are available to help to assist you with the formation or acquisition of your US business.
Our team in London can assist you with every step of your E2 visa process.
List of United States Embassies, Consulates and USCIS in United Kingdom
E-1 treaty trader visa interviews are in the United Kingdom are conducted at the US Consulate in London and the US Consulate in Belfast. The US Consulates in United Kingdom are located at:
US Consulate in United Kindom, London
Address33 Nine Elms Ln, SW11 7US, London
Office: +44-20-7499-9000
US Consulate in United Kindom, Belfast
Address223 Stranmillis Road, BT9 5GR, Belfast, United Kingdom
Based in the United States with a team of US E2 visa lawyers in London, Davies & Associates is recognized as a leading US law firm specializing in E-2 visa applications for UK Nationals.
Our resources across the US, including a team of specialist E2 visa corporate lawyers and E2 visa tax lawyers, are available to help to assist you with the formation or acquisition of your US business and your application for an E2 visa.
Our team in London can assist you with every step of your E2 visa process.
E2 Visa Interview Preparation Suite in Nine Elms, London
In 2022, D&A plan to open an interview preparation suite opposite the US consulate in London. Our E2 visa lawyers in London will receive clients at the suite before their interview and de-brief them in the suite after their interview.
Our interview preparation suite will potentially be located at: 3 Viaduct Gardens, London, SW11 7A, United Kingdom
E2 Visa Solutions by Country of Nationality or Residency
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