"Without a doubt some of the world's leading Fiancé(e) visa experts."
Personal Service from Expert K-1 Visa LawyersFrom New York to London to Karachi to Delhi to Afghanistan to Hong Kong and beyond, for fifteen years we have assisted US Citizens and Green Card holders fulfill their personal dreams by bringing their fiancé(e)s and spouses to the United States.
100% Success RateWhile past performance can never be a guarantee of success, we are known in the industry as the immigration firm that has never had a visa application denied.
Information on K-1 and Fiancé(e) Visas
Here for Information on K-1 Visas and Learn How to Apply
Learn the Most Common Mistake in
K-1 Visa Applications
Ask an Expert K-1 Visa
Lawyer a Question
Special Considerations
for Same-Sex Couples

An expert immigration lawyer is alway your primary point of contact with our firm and we insist that our lawyers make themselves available for you seven days a week.
Global Service, Local Knowledge
Consular practices vary significantly from city-to-city. With K-1 visas, local knowledge of consular practices and local in-country customs and laws are critical. Our lawyers are experienced, and even licensed to practice law, in multiple international jurisdictions.
Our ServicesFull Service Option
Be certain to ask lawyers whether their K-1 service just includes the initial filing step in the US or whether the critical consular processing step is included. Prior experience working with the US consulate you will be dealing with is also highly valuable.
Merely obtaining a K-1 visa does NOT entitle your fiancee to reside with you in the US. After you are married your fiancee must apply for a green card or leave the country.
Our full service involves guiding you through every step in the process and ensuring you have a complete and thoroughly prepared application. We will also take the time to prepare you for your interview, provide you access seven days a week to your lawyer and give you a login id to our computer system so you can track your case and download live updates from USCIS.
Step 1 -- Understanding your Personal Goals
Taking the time to understand your needs is critical. After we have taken time to understand your personal goals we have suggested visas other than a K-1 that are often cheaper and more efficient at helping you meet you precise goals. We build an immigration strategy that is TAILOR MADE to meet your personal needs.
Step 2 -- Submission of Application in the US
Step 1 involves more than just filling in forms. It is the ability of a lawyer to build a package that includes strong supporting materials that really makes a difference at this step. Don't settle for a lawyer who fills in forms, you can do that yourself!
Step 3 -- Consular Processing
We will thoroughly prepare you for your consular interview and assist you in filling in and returning the necessary forms. Given our international footprint and expertise we are often requested to attend interviews and we will generally do so where the US consulate involved allows it.
Step 4 -- Inside the US -- So You Want to Work and Drive?
Employers are going to ask to see your work permit (EAD) and obtaining a drivers license in many states is not straightforward. Until you apply for and receive a green card this can be problematic. We will guide you through these processes.
Step 5 -- Congratulations, Now you Need to Apply for a Green Card
Once you are married you will need to apply for a green card. This involves another application process with USCIS. We will prepare and file the necessary forms for you and, of course, respond to any questions that USCIS may have.
Step 6 -- So What is a Conditional Green Card?
Because you are only just married USCIS will issue you with a conditional green card. If you do not apply to have the conditions on your green card removed two years after you receive it you may become removable from the United States. We will carefully explain this process and guide you through it. We will remind you and prepare the necessary paperwork for you when the time comes.
Except in special circumstances we will not perform mere form review. Too many times this service leads to delays, visa denials and disappointments. WE STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT POTENTIAL CLIENTS DO NOT WORK WITH LAWYERS WHO OFFER THIS SERVICE.