Case Studies: O-1A Extension petition for an Armenian citizen

Visa Type: O1 Visa
Country: Armenia

O-1A Extension petition for an Armenian citizen


The beneficiary is a Global Internet Resources Manager and Facilitator. He has extraordinary ability in business, particularly in Intellectual Property Assets technical and financial consulting with a focus on global brokerage and facilitation of Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) addresses and AS Numbers. The Petitioner is a a diversified media investment firm and a leader in Internet Marketing Technology. The company provides financial support, mentoring, and business guidance for a variety of companies.

We worked with the Petitioner in getting the initial petition approved for an initial period of three years. Since the Petitioner still requires the services of the beneficiary, a petition for extension was filed. USCIS approved the petition and granted an additional period of one year of authorized stay on O-1A status.

USCIS may authorize an extension of stay in increments of up to 1 year for an O-1 or O-2 beneficiary to continue or complete the same event or activity for which he or she was admitted, plus an additional 10 days to allow the beneficiary to get his or her personal affairs in order. There is no limit to the number of extensions of stay a petitioner can file for the same beneficiary.

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