Case Studies: L-1B Petition approved for a specialized knowledge employee from germany

Visa Type: L1 Visa
Country: Germany

L-1B Petition approved for a specialized knowledge employee from germany


The US petitioner was established to bring a groundbreaking mobility concept technology called teledriving that enables drivers to remotely pilot cars on public streets to the U.S. This forward-thinking business model, akin to drone piloting, fundamentally transforms the traditional driving paradigm, while paving the way for an exciting future in autonomous driving. By introducing its novel teledriving services, the company aims to transform how customers access and use rental electric vehicles (EVs) through its remote-first approach to driverless vehicles that will redefine the EV rental landscape. As the technology advances and is deemed safer, the company will gradually introduce autonomous driving functions into its systems.

The petition was filed on behalf of an experienced Test Operator from the parent company in Germany. The beneficiary possesses a specialized understanding of the proprietary procedures and protocols required to maintain the safety and functionality of the company’s remote-driving vehicles. The beneficiary's transfer to the U.S. ensures that these high safety standards are upheld as the parent company introduces its fleet to the U.S. market. Furthermore, his proficiency will be critical in training the new generation of American teledrivers, ensuring they adopt and conform to the parent company's rigorous testing procedures.

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